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Created December 19, 2017 19:39
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;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Advent of Code 2017 |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;; Inspired by
;; When developing this code I found a bug in SBCL's assembler, which
;; was apparently known to nyef in 2006, and has been there since at
;; the first SBCL commit (in 2000). I came up with a fix for it
;; that's hopefully correct:
(defpackage #:snippets/aoc2017/day5-asm
(:documentation "Day 5 on the breadboard.")
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:sb-assem
(:import-from #:sb-vm
(:import-from #:sb-ext
(:import-from #:sb-c
(:import-from #:sb-sys
(:import-from #:sb-disassem
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2017/day5-asm)
(defglobal eax sb-vm::eax-tn)
(defglobal ebx sb-vm::ebx-tn)
(defglobal rax sb-vm::rax-tn)
(defglobal rbx sb-vm::rbx-tn)
(defglobal rcx sb-vm::rcx-tn)
(defglobal rdx sb-vm::rdx-tn)
(defglobal rsi sb-vm::rsi-tn)
(defglobal rdi sb-vm::rdi-tn)
(defglobal rbp sb-vm::rbp-tn)
(defglobal rsp sb-vm::rsp-tn)
(defglobal r8 sb-vm::r8-tn)
(defglobal r9 sb-vm::r9-tn)
(defglobal r10 sb-vm::r10-tn)
(defglobal r11 sb-vm::r11-tn)
(defglobal r12 sb-vm::r12-tn)
(defglobal r13 sb-vm::r13-tn)
(defglobal r14 sb-vm::r14-tn)
(defglobal r15 sb-vm::r15-tn)
(defmacro asm (&body forms)
`(let ((seg (make-segment))
(sb-c::*fixup-notes* nil))
(assemble (seg)
(finalize-segment seg)
(segment-contents-as-vector seg)))
(defun coerce-to-octets (sequence)
(make-array (length sequence)
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:initial-contents sequence))
(defun disasm (vector)
(setf vector (coerce-to-octets vector))
(with-pinned-objects (vector)
(let ((*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
(disassemble-memory (vector-sap vector) (length vector)))))
(defun gen (offsets)
(middle offsets)
(defun begin ()
(assemble ()
(inst push rbp)
(inst mov rbp rsp)
(inst push rbx)
(inst push r12)
(inst sub rsp #x10)
(inst mov ebx 0)
(inst push rbp)
(inst jmp there)
(defun end ()
(inst pop r12)
(inst mov eax ebx)
(inst add rsp #x10)
(inst pop r12)
(inst pop rbx)
(inst pop rbp)
(inst ret)
(loop repeat #x12 do (emit-byte sb-assem::**current-segment** #x00)))
(defun middle (offsets)
(dolist (offset offsets)
(assemble ()
(inst add ebx 1)
(inst pop r12)
(inst mov eax (make-ea :dword :base r12 :disp -4))
(inst add eax #x1F)
(inst cmp eax #x5D)
(inst jmp :l L0)
(inst sub eax #x3E)
(inst mov (make-ea :dword :base r12 :disp -4) eax)
(inst call (make-fixup nil :code-object (* (- offset 1) 31))))))
(defknown %run (system-area-pointer) (unsigned-byte 64) (any)
:overwrite-fndb-silently t)
(in-package #:sb-vm)
(define-vop (snippets/aoc2017/day5-asm::%run)
(:translate snippets/aoc2017/day5-asm::%run)
(:policy :fast-safe)
(:args (code :scs (sap-reg) :target rdi))
(:arg-types system-area-pointer)
(:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg)))
(:result-types unsigned-byte-64)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rax-offset :from :eval) rax)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rbx-offset :from :eval) rbx)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rcx-offset :from :eval) rcx)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rdx-offset :from :eval) rdx)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rdi-offset :from (:argument 0)) rdi)
(:temporary (:sc sap-reg :offset rsi-offset :from :eval) rsi)
(:ignore rax rbx rcx rdx rsi)
(:generator 0
(move rdi code)
(inst call rdi)
(move res rax-tn)))
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2017/day5-asm)
(defun run (code)
(with-pinned-objects (code)
(%run (vector-sap code))))
;; (run (gen '(0 3 0 1 -3))) => 10
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