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Created December 10, 2019 09:00
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aoc2019 day10
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Advent of Code 2019 |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:snippets/aoc2019/day10
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2019/day10)
(defun parse (input)
(let* ((width (position #\Newline input))
(height (ceiling (length input) (1+ width)))
(grid (make-array (list height width) :initial-element nil)))
(loop with x = 0
with y = 0
for char across input
do (ecase char
(incf x))
(setf (aref grid y x) t)
(incf x))
(setf x 0)
(incf y))))
(defun vec (x y)
(complex x y))
(defun vx (vec)
(realpart vec))
(defun vy (vec)
(imagpart vec))
(defconstant angle-precision 100)
(defun angle (v)
(* (phase v)
(/ 180 pi)
(* 360 angle-precision)))
(defun mag (v)
(abs v))
(defmacro do-asteroids ((loc grid) &body forms)
(let ((x (gensym))
(y (gensym))
(gridvar (gensym)))
`(let ((,gridvar ,grid))
(dotimes (,y (array-dimension ,gridvar 0))
(dotimes (,x (array-dimension ,gridvar 1))
(when (aref ,gridvar ,y ,x)
(let ((,loc (vec ,x ,y)))
(defun find-best (grid)
(let ((max -1)
(best-loc nil)
(best-others nil))
(do-asteroids (loc grid)
(let ((others (make-hash-table)))
(do-asteroids (loc2 grid)
(unless (= loc loc2)
(push loc2 (gethash (angle (- loc2 loc)) others))))
(let ((n (hash-table-count others)))
(when (> n max)
(setf max n)
(setf best-loc loc)
(setf best-others others)))))
(values best-loc best-others)))
(defun sort-by-distance (others loc)
(loop for a being each hash-key of others
using (hash-value list)
do (setf (gethash a others)
(sort list #'< :key (lambda (v) (mag (- v loc)))))))
(defun vaporize (loc others n)
(sort-by-distance others loc)
(let ((old-n n))
(loop for i from 0 below (* 360 angle-precision)
for a = (mod (- i (* 90 angle-precision))
(* 360 angle-precision))
do (symbol-macrolet ((in-line (gethash a others)))
(when in-line
(let ((unlucky (pop in-line)))
(when (zerop (decf n))
(return-from vaporize unlucky))))))
(when (= old-n n)
(error "Too few asteroids?")))))
(defun answer (loc)
(+ (* (vx loc) 100)
(vy loc)))
(defun day10 (input)
(multiple-value-bind (loc others) (find-best (parse input))
(list (hash-table-count others)
(answer (vaporize loc others 200)))))
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