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Created April 8, 2020 16:05
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;; Suppose we have a collection of N documents.
;; Define Fij to be the frequency of term i in document j.
;; Define TFij to be Fij/max(k,Fkj),
;; that is, the term frequency of term i in document j is Fij
;; normalized by dividing it by the maximum number of occurrences
;; of any term in the same document.
;; Define IDFi to be log2(N/ni).
;; The TF.IDF score for term i in document j is then defined to be
;; TFij x IDFi. The terms with the highest TF.IDF score are often
;; the terms that best characterize the topic of the document.
;; * doc-term-count:j - hash of term to count
;; * num-terms-in-doc - total number of terms in doc
;; * max-term - hash from doc to the term with highest count so far
;; * terms:j - a set of terms in doc
;; * term-docs:i - set of documents containing term
;; * docs - a set of docs
(defpackage #:snippets/tfidf
"Redis-based tfidf.")
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:lredis)
(in-package #:snippets/tfidf)
(defun add-document (doc)
(redis:sadd "docs" doc))
(defun add-term (doc term)
(redis:sadd "terms" term)
(redis:hincrby "num-terms-in-doc" doc 1)
(redis:sadd (format nil "terms:~A" doc) term)
(redis:sadd (format nil "term-docs:~A" term) doc)
(let ((c (redis:hincrby (format nil "doc-term-count:~A" doc) term 1)))
(let ((max-term (redis:hget "max-term" doc)))
(when (or (null max-term)
(and (not (equal max-term term))
(> c (doc-term-count max-term doc))))
(redis:hset "max-term" doc term)))))
(defun doc-term-count (term doc)
(parse-integer (or (redis:hget (format nil "doc-term-count:~A" doc)
(defun frequency (term doc)
"Return the frequency of the term i in document."
(/ (doc-term-count term doc)
(parse-integer (redis:hget "num-terms-in-doc" doc))))
(defun max-term (doc)
"Return the term with the highest frequency in document."
(redis:hget "max-term" doc))
(defun max-frequency (doc)
"Return the highest frequency of a term in document."
(frequency (max-term doc) doc))
(defun number-of-documents ()
"Return the total number of documents."
(redis:scard "docs"))
(defun number-of-documents-containing (term)
"Return the number of documents containing the term."
(redis:scard (format nil "term-docs:~A" term)))
(defun term-frequency (term doc)
(/ (frequency term doc)
(max-frequency doc)))
(defun inverse-document-frequency (term)
(log (/ (number-of-documents)
(number-of-documents-containing term))
(defun score (term doc)
(* (term-frequency term doc)
(inverse-document-frequency term)))
(defun terms (doc)
(redis:smembers (format nil "terms:~A" doc)))
(defun terms-by-score (doc)
(mapcar (lambda (term)
(cons term (score term doc)))
(terms doc))
#'> :key #'cdr))
(defun list-documents ()
(redis:smembers "docs"))
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