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December 25, 2019 14:05
death revised this gist
Dec 25, 2019 . 1 changed file with 5 additions and 3 deletions.There are no files selected for viewing
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode charactersOriginal file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ (funcall function output-read input-write) (when (bt:thread-alive-p thread) (ignore-errors (bt:destroy-thread thread))))) (ignore-errors (close output-write)) (ignore-errors (close output-read)))) (ignore-errors (close input-write)) (ignore-errors (close input-read))))) (defstruct room name @@ -228,4 +230,4 @@ (defun day25 (input &optional verbose) (let ((*debug-io* (if verbose *debug-io* (make-broadcast-stream)))) (list (take-em-all input)))) -
death created this gist
Dec 25, 2019 .There are no files selected for viewing
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode charactersOriginal file line number Diff line number Diff line change @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ ;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;;; | Advent of Code 2019 | ;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+ (defpackage #:snippets/aoc2019/day25 (:use #:cl) (:import-from #:snippets/aoc2019/intcode #:intcode-run) (:shadow #:room) (:import-from #:snippets/slhelpers #:bfs) (:import-from #:snippets/pipe-streams #:make-pipe-streams) (:import-from #:alexandria #:emptyp #:make-keyword #:destructuring-ecase #:map-combinations #:starts-with-subseq) (:export #:day25)) (in-package #:snippets/aoc2019/day25) (defun verbose (format-control &rest format-args) (apply #'format *debug-io* format-control format-args)) (defun play (program &optional (input-stream *standard-input*) (output-stream *standard-output*)) (intcode-run program :input (lambda () (char-code (read-char input-stream))) :output (lambda (x) (write-char (code-char x) output-stream)))) (defun ai-play (program function) (multiple-value-bind (input-read input-write) (make-pipe-streams :element-type 'character) (unwind-protect (multiple-value-bind (output-read output-write) (make-pipe-streams :element-type 'character) (unwind-protect (let ((thread (bt:make-thread (lambda () (play program input-read output-write)) :name "quest thread"))) (unwind-protect (funcall function output-read input-write) (when (bt:thread-alive-p thread) (ignore-errors (bt:destroy-thread thread))))) (ignore-errors (close output-write)))) (ignore-errors (close input-write))))) (defstruct room name extra doors items) (defstruct item name room) (defun explore (program) (ai-play program (lambda (see-stream do-stream) (let ((rooms (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (explore-dfs (expect-room see-stream) see-stream do-stream rooms) rooms)))) (defun explore-dfs (current see-stream do-stream rooms) (unless (gethash (room-name current) rooms) (setf (gethash (room-name current) rooms) current) (unless (equal (room-name current) "Security Checkpoint") (dolist (door (room-doors current)) (when (null (cdr door)) (write-line (string-downcase (car door)) do-stream) (let ((new (expect-room see-stream))) (explore-dfs new see-stream do-stream rooms) (setf (cdr door) new)) (write-line (string-downcase (opposite-direction (car door))) do-stream) (let ((back (expect-room see-stream))) (assert (equal (room-name current) (room-name back))))))))) (defun read-event (see-stream) (loop for line = (read-line see-stream nil nil) while (and line (not (equal line "Command?"))) do (cond ((emptyp line)) ((starts-with-subseq "== " line) (return-from read-event (list :room (read-room (subseq line 3 (- (length line) 3)) see-stream)))) ((starts-with-subseq "You take the " line) (loop while (peek-char nil see-stream nil) for extra = (read-line see-stream) do (cond ((emptyp extra)) ((equal extra "Command?") (return)) (t (verbose "Take Line: ~S~%" extra)))) (return-from read-event (list :take (subseq line 13 (1- (length line)))))) (t (verbose "Event Line: ~S~%" line)))) (list :eof)) (defun expect-room (stream) (destructuring-ecase (read-event stream) ((:room room) room))) (defun read-room (name stream) (let ((room (make-room :name name)) (state :want-extra)) (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil) until (or (null line) (equal line "Command?")) do (verbose "Room Line: ~S~%" line) (cond ((emptyp line)) ((starts-with-subseq "Doors here lead:" line) (setf state :want-doors)) ((starts-with-subseq "Items here:" line) (setf state :want-items)) ((starts-with-subseq "\"Oh, hello!" line) (throw :got-it (values (parse-integer line :start 51 :junk-allowed t)))) ((eq state :want-extra) (push line (room-extra room))) ((starts-with-subseq "- " line) (ecase state (:want-doors (push (list (make-keyword (string-upcase (subseq line 2)))) (room-doors room))) (:want-items (push (make-item :name (subseq line 2) :room room) (room-items room))))))) (setf (room-extra room) (nreverse (room-extra room))) room)) (defun opposite-direction (dir) (ecase dir (:east :west) (:north :south) (:south :north) (:west :east))) (defun all-items (rooms) (loop for room being each hash-value of rooms append (room-items room))) (defun follow-plan (program plan &optional (rooms (explore program))) (ai-play program (lambda (see-stream do-stream) (plan-follower plan rooms see-stream do-stream)))) (defun plan-follower (plan rooms see-stream do-stream) (let ((current-room (expect-room see-stream))) (verbose "Room: ~S~%" (room-name current-room)) (loop while plan do (destructuring-ecase (pop plan) ((:go destination) (etypecase destination (symbol (write-line (string-downcase destination) do-stream) (let ((event (read-event see-stream))) (destructuring-ecase event ((:room room) (setf current-room room)))) (verbose "Room: ~S~%" (room-name current-room))) (string (let ((target-room (gethash destination rooms))) (when (null target-room) (error "No room named ~S." destination)) (push (list :go target-room) plan))) (room (setf plan (append (path-steps current-room destination rooms) plan))))) ((:take item) (cond ((stringp item) (let ((item-object (or (find item (room-items current-room) :key #'item-name :test #'equal) (find item (all-items rooms) :key #'item-name :test #'equal) (error "Can't find item ~S." item)))) (push (list :take item-object) plan))) ((member (item-name item) (room-items current-room) :key #'item-name :test #'equal) (format do-stream "take ~A~%" (item-name item)) (verbose "Take Event: ~S~%" (read-event see-stream))) (t (setf plan (list* (list :go (item-room item)) (list :take item) plan))))))))) (defun path-steps (source destination rooms) (let ((path (bfs (cons :here source) (lambda (node) (equal (room-name (cdr node)) (room-name destination))) (lambda (node) (let ((room (gethash (room-name (cdr node)) rooms))) (assert room) (loop for door in (room-doors room) when (cdr door) collect door))) :key (lambda (node) (room-name (cdr node))) :test #'equal))) (mapcar (lambda (node) (list :go (car node))) (cdr path)))) (defun dangerous-item-p (item) (member (item-name item) '("infinite loop" "molten lava" "photons" "escape pod" "giant electromagnet") :test #'equal)) (defun take-em-all (program) "Put them up against the wall and shoot'em..." (catch :got-it (let* ((rooms (explore program)) (items (all-items rooms))) (setf items (remove-if #'dangerous-item-p items)) (loop for n from 1 to (length items) do (map-combinations (lambda (to-take) (verbose "Taking: ~S~%" (mapcar #'item-name to-take)) (follow-plan program (append (mapcar (lambda (item) (list :take item)) to-take) (list (list :go "Security Checkpoint") (list :go :west))) rooms)) items :copy nil :length n))))) (defun day25 (input &optional verbose) (let ((*debug-io* (if verbose *debug-io* (make-broadcast-stream)))) (take-em-all input)))