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Last active December 9, 2019 15:34
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some files from videolab
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Videolab |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:videolab/ffmpeg
(:use #:cl
(in-package #:videolab/ffmpeg)
(define-program-command ffmpeg "ffmpeg")
(defun ffmpeg-split (input-video-file output-frames-directory
&key (frames-per-second 1)
(rescale nil))
(ffmpeg "-loglevel" "repeat+warning"
"-i" input-video-file
(when frames-per-second
(list "-r" frames-per-second))
(when rescale
(list "-s" rescale))
"-f" "image2"
(filename-in-directory "frame-%07d.jpeg" output-frames-directory)))
(defun ffmpeg-join (input-frames-directory output-video-file
&key (frame-rate 12)
(rescale nil))
(ffmpeg "-loglevel" "repeat+warning"
"-f" "image2"
"-framerate" frame-rate
(filename-in-directory "frame-%07d.jpeg" input-frames-directory)
(when rescale
(list "-s" rescale))
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Videolab |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:videolab/program-command
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:videolab/program-command)
(defmacro define-program-command (name program &key (input nil) (output :print))
`(defun ,name (&rest args)
(run ,program args ,input ,output)))
(defvar *program-output-filters*
(defun program-output-filter (name)
(cond ((gethash name *program-output-filters*))
((functionp name)
((and (symbolp name)
(fboundp name))
(error "Can't find program output filter named ~S." name))))
(defun (setf program-output-filter) (new-value name)
(setf (gethash name *program-output-filters*)
(setf (program-output-filter :string) 'identity)
(defun run (program args input output)
(setf args (preprocess-args args))
(let ((input-stream
(cond ((null input)
((eq input :first)
(make-string-input-stream (or (pop args) "")))
((eq input :last)
(let ((s (car (last args))))
(setf args (butlast args))
(make-string-input-stream (or s ""))))
(error "Don't know how to handle input ~S." input)))))
(labels ((rp (output-stream)
(run-program program
:search t
:input input-stream
:output output-stream))
(rps ()
(with-output-to-string (out)
(rp out)))
(rpp ()
(rp *standard-output*))))
(if (eq output :print)
(funcall (program-output-filter output) (rps))))))
(defun preprocess-args (args)
(cond ((null args)
((listp args)
(mapcan #'preprocess-arg args))
(error "Unexpected args ~S." args))))
(defun preprocess-arg (arg)
(cond ((stringp arg)
(list arg))
((null arg)
((listp arg)
(mapcan #'preprocess-arg arg))
((numberp arg)
(list (prin1-to-string arg)))
(error "Don't know how to preprocess arg ~S." arg))))
(setf (program-output-filter :json) 'postprocess-json)
(defun postprocess-json (string)
(let ((json (parse-json string)))
(if json
(lispify-json json)
(error "Empty JSON object returned."))))
(defun lispify-json (json)
(typecase json
(if (every #'consp json)
(map 'vector #'lispify-json json)
(atom json)
(loop for (key value) on json by #'cddr
nconc (list (symbol-munger:underscores->lisp-symbol key "KEYWORD")
(lispify-json value))))))
(setf (program-output-filter :lines) 'split-to-lines)
(defun split-to-lines (string)
(split-sequence #\Newline
:remove-empty-subseqs t)))
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