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Last active January 27, 2020 01:57
;; Gödel Escher Bach - BlooP language snippets
(defpackage #:snippets/geb-bloop-user
(:use #:cl #:snippets/geb-bloop))
(in-package #:snippets/geb-bloop-user)
(defprim add (x y) (+ x y))
(defprim mul (x y) (* x y))
(defprim equ (x y) (if (= x y) 1 0))
(defprim max (x y))
(defproc calc-2^3^n (n)
(setq 3^n 1)
(bounded-loop (i n)
(setq 3^n (mul 3^n 3)))
(setq output 1)
(bounded-loop (i 3^n)
(setq output (mul output 2))))
(defmac if-then (test then)
(let ((i (gensym))
(b (gensym)))
`(bounded-loop (,i ,test ,b)
(defproc smaller (x y)
(if-then (equ x y)
(return-from smaller 0))
(if-then (equ (max x y) x)
(return-from smaller 0))
(setq output 1))
(defproc minus (m n)
(if-then (smaller m n)
(return-from minus 0))
(bounded-loop (i (add m 1))
(if-then (equ (add output n) m)
(return-from nil))
(setq output (add output 1))))
;; QUIT and ABORT are too lame to implement, talking about "lines" of
;; code. It is of course possible to interpret them as talking about
;; forms, but they'd be unnecessary given that BOUNDED-LOOP can take
;; an optional block name.
(defconstant no 0)
(defconstant yes 1)
;; Really stupid implementation...
(defproc remainder (m n)
(bounded-loop (i (max m n))
(if-then (equ m n)
(return-from remainder 0))
(if-then (smaller m n)
(return-from remainder m))
(setq m (minus m n)))
(setq output m))
;; The definition in the book returns YES for 1...
(defproc prime? (n)
(if-then (equ n 0)
(return-from prime? no))
(if-then (equ n 1)
(return-from prime? no))
(setq m 2)
(bounded-loop (i (minus n 2))
(if-then (equ (remainder n m) 0)
(return-from prime? no))
(setq m (add m 1)))
(setq output yes))
(defmac und (x y)
(let ((b (gensym)))
`(block ,b
(if-then ,x
(if-then ,y
(return-from ,b yes)))
(defproc goldbach? (n)
(setq m 2)
(bounded-loop (i n)
(if-then (und (prime? m)
(prime? (minus n m)))
(return-from goldbach? yes))
(setq m (add m 1))))
(defproc factorial (n)
(if-then (equ n 0)
(return-from factorial no))
(setq m n)
(bounded-loop (i (minus n 1))
(setq m (mul m (add i 1))))
(setq output m))
(defproc tortoise-pair? (m n)
(setq output
(und (prime? m)
(prime? (add m n)))))
;; Gödel Escher Bach - BlooP language
(defpackage #:snippets/geb-bloop
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:snippets/geb-bloop)
(defmacro bounded-loop ((i upper-bound-form &optional block-name) &body forms)
"Evaluate FORMS over and over again, up to a predefined maximum
number of times, called the upper bound, or ceiling, of the loop.
From the description in GEB, you could think that he means that some
arbitrary value between 0 and the upper bound is chosen, but in fact
he's just allowing returns from the block."
(let ((again (gensym))
(end (gensym))
(upper-bound (gensym)))
`(block ,block-name
(let ((,i 0)
(,upper-bound ,upper-bound-form))
(when (>= ,i ,upper-bound)
(go ,end))
(incf ,i)
(go ,again)
(defvar *block-vars-blacklist*
"A list of names that should not be block variable names.")
(defmacro with-non-block-vars (list &body forms)
"Evaluate forms with the names in LIST added to the block variable
names blacklist."
`(let ((*block-vars-blacklist* (append ,list *block-vars-blacklist*)))
(defvar *macro-names* '()
"A list of well-known macro names.")
(defmacro defmac (name (&rest lambda-list) &body forms)
"Define a BlooP macro."
(pushnew name *macro-names*)
(defmacro ,name (,@lambda-list)
(defvar *proc-names*
"A list of well-known procedure names.")
(defmacro defprim (name (&rest lambda-list) &body forms)
"Define a BlooP primitive procedure."
(pushnew name *proc-names*)
,@(when forms
`((defun ,name (,@lambda-list)
(defun extract-block-vars (forms)
"Return the set of block variable names extracted from FORMS.
(mapcan #'extract-block-vars-in-form forms))
(defun extract-block-vars-in-form (form)
"Return the set of block variable names extracted from FORM.
These are names that are being assigned to via SETQ, with the
exception of names in *BLOCK-VARS-BLACKLIST*."
(if (atom form)
(case (car form)
(if (member (cadr form) *block-vars-blacklist*)
(list (cadr form)))
(extract-block-vars-in-form (caddr form))))
(destructuring-bind ((var upper-bound-form &optional block-name) &body forms)
(cdr form)
(declare (ignore var block-name))
(nconc (extract-block-vars-in-form upper-bound-form)
(extract-block-vars forms))))
(extract-block-vars (cddr form)))
(extract-block-vars-in-form (caddr form)))
(cond ((member (car form) *macro-names*)
(extract-block-vars-in-form (macroexpand-1 form)))
((member (car form) *proc-names*)
(mapcan #'extract-block-vars-in-form (cdr form)))
(error "Unexpected operator in form ~S." form)))))))
(defmacro defproc (name (&rest lambda-list) &body forms)
"Define a BlooP procedure."
(assert (null (intersection lambda-list-keywords lambda-list)) (lambda-list)
"Only required parameters are allowed in lambda list.")
(let ((block-vars (delete-duplicates
(with-non-block-vars lambda-list
(extract-block-vars forms)))))
(pushnew name *proc-names*)
(defun ,name (,@lambda-list)
(let ((output 0)
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