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Created March 9, 2021 17:28
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history class
(defpackage #:snippets/history-class
(:use #:cl #:closer-mop)
(in-package #:snippets/history-class)
;;;; History Class
;; A history class maintains a record of historical values for slots.
;; The idea is from [0]. Some of the design follows [1].
;; The maximum number of values saved is determined by an
;; :HISTORY-MAX-DEPTH slot initarg. The default maximum depth is
;; zero, i.e. no history is maintained. When multiple max-depth
;; values exist for the same slot, the maximum value is used.
;; Use SLOT-HISTORY to query for the list of previous values for a
;; slot.
;; Use SLOT-UNDO to set a slot's value to the most recent value in the
;; history list. The value is then removed from the list. The value
;; of the slot prior to the undo operation is lost.
;; Use ATOMIC to disable saving values in the history list for the
;; extent of the body's evaluation, for the slots given in the slot
;; specification.
;; [0]
;; [1] Mallon, Takaoka, "History Variables: The Semantics, Formal
;; Correctness, and Implementation of History Variables in an
;; Imperative Programming Language" (2006)
;; Issues:
;; The current implementation assumes :INSTANCE slot allocation.
;; The current implementation uses a weak hash table (SBCL-specific)
;; to store slot history lists for the various instances. Is there a
;; better way?
;; I'm unsure about the name "history class".
;; When a slot is missing, an error is signaled. CLHS says
;; SLOT-MISSING is not for a user to call, so we don't. Does CLHS
;; refer to all users, including users of the MOP?
;; If multiple superclasses provide different max-depths, the maximum
;; value will be used, but a user should likely be able to override it
;; by providing a bottom-most max-depth.
(defclass history-class (standard-class)
(defgeneric slot-history-using-class (class object slotd))
(defgeneric slot-undo-using-class (class object slotd))
(defmethod validate-superclass ((class history-class) (superclass standard-class))
(defclass history-direct-slot-definition (standard-direct-slot-definition)
((max-depth :initarg :history-max-depth))
(:default-initargs :history-max-depth 0))
(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class history-class) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
(find-class 'history-direct-slot-definition))
(defclass history-effective-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)
((max-depth :initform 0)
(previous-values :initform (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness :key))))
(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class history-class) &rest initargs)
(declare (ignore initargs))
(find-class 'history-effective-slot-definition))
(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class history-class) name dslotds)
(let ((eslotd (call-next-method)))
(when (typep eslotd 'history-effective-slot-definition)
(let ((max-depth (reduce (lambda (m dslotd)
(max m
(if (typep dslotd 'history-direct-slot-definition)
(slot-value dslotd 'max-depth)
:initial-value 0)))
(setf (slot-value eslotd 'max-depth) max-depth)))
(defvar *history-save-values*
(fset:empty-map t))
(defmacro without-history (&body forms)
`(let ((*history-save-values* (fset:empty-map nil)))
(defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :before (new-value
(class history-class)
(slotd history-effective-slot-definition))
(declare (ignore new-value))
(when (plusp (slot-value slotd 'max-depth))
(when (fset:lookup *history-save-values* (list object (slot-definition-name slotd)))
(when (slot-boundp-using-class class object slotd)
(let ((old-value (slot-value-using-class class object slotd)))
(slot-history-push-using-class class object slotd old-value))))))
(defmethod slot-history-push-using-class ((class history-class)
(slotd history-effective-slot-definition)
(let ((max-depth (slot-value slotd 'max-depth))
(previous-values (slot-value slotd 'previous-values)))
(when (plusp max-depth)
(symbol-macrolet ((object-previous-values (gethash object previous-values)))
(when (null object-previous-values)
(setf object-previous-values (fset:empty-seq)))
(loop while (<= max-depth (fset:size object-previous-values))
do (setf object-previous-values (fset:less-last object-previous-values)))
(setf object-previous-values (fset:with-first object-previous-values value))))))
(defun get-class-and-slotd (object slot-name)
(let* ((class (class-of object))
(slots (class-slots class))
(slotd (find slot-name slots :key #'slot-definition-name)))
(when (null slotd)
(error "Object ~S has no slot named ~S." object slot-name))
(values class slotd)))
(defmethod slot-history-push ((object standard-object) slot-name value)
(multiple-value-bind (class slotd) (get-class-and-slotd object slot-name)
(slot-history-push-using-class class object slotd value)))
(defmethod slot-history-using-class ((class standard-class) object slotd)
(declare (ignore object slotd))
(defmethod slot-history-using-class ((class history-class)
(slotd history-effective-slot-definition))
(let ((previous-values (slot-value slotd 'previous-values)))
(fset:convert 'list (gethash object previous-values))))
(defmethod slot-history ((object standard-object) slot-name)
(multiple-value-bind (class slotd) (get-class-and-slotd object slot-name)
(slot-history-using-class class object slotd)))
(defmethod slot-undo-using-class ((class standard-class) object slotd)
(declare (ignore object slotd)))
(defmethod slot-undo-using-class ((class history-class)
(slotd history-effective-slot-definition))
(let ((previous-values (slot-value slotd 'previous-values)))
(symbol-macrolet ((object-previous-values (gethash object previous-values)))
(when (and object-previous-values
(fset:nonempty? object-previous-values))
(multiple-value-bind (old-value bound)
(if (slot-boundp-using-class class object slotd)
(values (slot-value-using-class class object slotd) t)
(values nil nil))
(let ((new-value (fset:first object-previous-values)))
(setf (slot-value-using-class class object slotd) new-value))
(setf object-previous-values
(fset:less-first object-previous-values))
(values new-value old-value bound)))))))
(defmethod slot-undo ((object standard-object) slot-name)
(multiple-value-bind (class slotd) (get-class-and-slotd object slot-name)
(slot-undo-using-class class object slotd)))
(defmacro atomic ((&rest slot-specifications) &body forms)
(if (null slot-specifications)
`(progn ,@forms)
(let ((gobject (gensym))
(gslot-name (gensym))
(old-value (gensym)))
(destructuring-bind (object slot-name) (first slot-specifications)
`(let* ((,gobject ,object)
(,gslot-name ,slot-name)
(,old-value (slot-value ,gobject ,gslot-name)))
(let ((*history-save-values*
(fset:with *history-save-values*
(list ,gobject ,gslot-name)
(atomic ,(rest slot-specifications)
(when (and (fset:lookup *history-save-values* (list ,gobject ,gslot-name))
(not (eql ,old-value (slot-value ,gobject ,gslot-name))))
(slot-history-push ,gobject ,gslot-name ,old-value))))))))
;;;; Tests
(defclass fib-state ()
((f :initform 0 :history-max-depth 1))
(:metaclass history-class))
(defun test-fib (n)
(let ((state (make-instance 'fib-state)))
(with-slots (f) state
(setf f 1)
(loop for i from 1 to n
do (setf f (+ f (first (slot-history state 'f)))))
(defclass counter ()
((value :initform 0 :accessor counter-value :history-max-depth 10))
(:metaclass history-class))
(defmethod print-object ((counter counter) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (counter stream :type t)
(format stream "~D" (slot-value counter 'value)))
(defun test-count (n)
(let ((counter (make-instance 'counter)))
(loop repeat n
do (incf (counter-value counter)))
;; oops
(incf (counter-value counter))
;; undo
(slot-undo counter 'value)
(defclass x-state ()
((x :history-max-depth 2))
(:metaclass history-class))
(defun test-atomic-5.3 ()
(let ((state (make-instance 'x-state)))
(with-slots (x) state
(setf x 1)
(setf x 2)
(setf x 3)
(atomic ((state 'x))
(incf x)
(incf x (first (slot-history state 'x)))
(incf x 2))
(assert (= x 8))
(assert (equal (slot-history state 'x) '(3 2)))
(defclass xy-state ()
((x :history-max-depth 2)
(y :history-max-depth 2))
(:metaclass history-class))
(defun test-atomic-5.4 ()
(let ((state (make-instance 'xy-state)))
(with-slots (x y) state
(setf x 1)
(setf x 2)
(setf x 3)
(setf y 1)
(setf y 2)
(setf y 3)
(atomic ((state 'x))
(setf x 4)
(atomic ((state 'y))
(setf y 4)
(setf y 5)
(setf x 5))
(setf x 6)
(setf y 6))
(assert (= x 6))
(assert (equal '(3 2) (slot-history state 'x)))
(assert (= y 6))
(assert (equal '(5 3) (slot-history state 'y)))
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