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Created July 15, 2020 19:50
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py4j stuff
(defpackage #:py4j
(:use #:cl))
(in-package #:py4j)
;; endpoint: 25333
;; Creating a JavaGateway object calls:
;; create-gateway-client
;; Instantiates a GatewayClient
;; create-gateway-property
;; Instantiates a GatewayProperty
;; set-gateway-client
;; Instantiates JavaObject for entry-point and for java-gateway-server
;; Instantiates a JVMView
;; eager-load (maybe)
;; Tries to call System.currentTimeMillis
;; start-callback-server (maybe)
;; The main thing about GatewayClient is send_command
;; It creates a connection if necessary
;; Creating a connection means instantiating GatewayConnection and calling its start method
(defun create-gateway-connection (node port &key read-timeout)
(let* ((host-ent (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name node))
(address (first (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-addresses host-ent)))
(socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket
:type :stream
:protocol :tcp)))
(sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket address port)
(sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket
:input t
:output t
:timeout read-timeout
:external-format :utf-8
:buffering :full
:auto-close t)))
;; Instantiating a GatewayConnection does the following:
;; getaddrinfo(address, port) to get af-type
;; socket(af-type, sock-stream)
;; set read timeout
;; wrap with ssl context if provided
;; The start method does the following:
;; socket.connect(address, port)
;; authenticate
;; The authenticate method does the following (if auth token is provided):
;; cmd = AUTH_COMMAND_NAME \n auth-token \n
;; answer = send_command(cmd)
;; The send_command method does the following:
;; socket.sendall(utf8(cmd))
;; answer = utf8(socket.readline().chomp())
;; if answer.startswith(RETURN_MESSAGE):
;; answer = answer[1:]
;; if answer.strip() == "":
;; error
;; return answer
;; entry_point = JavaObject(ENTRY_POINT_OBJECT_ID="t", gateway_client)
;; > d
;; > f
;; > t
;; > e
(defvar *conn*)
(defun connect ()
(setf *conn*
(create-gateway-connection "" 25333)))
(defun disconnect ()
(when (and (boundp '*conn*)
(streamp *conn*)
(open-stream-p *conn*))
(close *conn*)
(makunbound '*conn*)))
(defun resolve-target (target)
(cond ((eq target 't) "t")
((eq target 'c) "c")
((eq target 'g) "GATEWAY_SERVER")
((stringp target) target)
((and (listp target) (eq (car target) :class))
(format nil "z:~A" (cadr target)))
(t (error "Don't know how to resolve target ~S." target))))
(defun java-import (s &optional (view-id "rj"))
(command (list "j"
(get-command-part s)
(defun ref-get (name &optional (view-id "rj"))
(command (list "r" "u" name view-id "e")))
(defun ref-mem (class name)
(command (list "r" "m" (resolve-class class) name "e")))
(defun call (target method-name &rest args)
(command (append (list "c" (resolve-target target) method-name)
(mapcar #'get-command-part args)
(list "e"))))
(defun field (target field-name)
(command (list "f" "g" (resolve-target target) field-name "e")))
(defun dir (&optional (target 't))
(let ((target-id (resolve-target target)))
(list :fields (split-lines (command (list "d" "f" target-id "e")))
:methods (split-lines (command (list "d" "m" target-id "e"))))))
(defun resolve-class (class)
(cond ((stringp class) class)
((and (listp class) (eq (car class) :class)) (cadr class))
(t (error "Can't resolve class ~S." class))))
(defun statics (class)
(split-lines (command (list "d" "s" (resolve-class class) "e"))))
(defun split-lines (string &key include-empty)
(split-sequence:split-sequence #\Newline string
:remove-empty-subseqs (not include-empty))))
(defun command (list)
(dolist (line list)
(write-line line *conn*))
(finish-output *conn*)
(let ((answer (read-line *conn*)))
(when (and (> (length answer) 0) (char= (char answer 0) #\!))
(setf answer (subseq answer 1)))
(when (zerop (length answer))
(error "Answer from Java side is empty."))
(get-return-value answer)))
(defun get-return-value (answer)
(cond ((or (equal answer "")
(char/= (char answer 0) #\y))
(cond ((> (length answer) 1)
(let ((type (char answer 1)))
(let ((value (convert-output type (subseq answer 2))))
(error "Java error: ~S." value))))
(error "Java error (raw answer ~S)." answer))))
(let ((type (char answer 1)))
(convert-output type (subseq answer 2))))))
(defun get-command-part (object)
(etypecase object
((eql :null) "n")
(null "bfalse")
((eql t) "btrue")
((integer -2147483648 2147483647) (format nil "i~D" object))
(integer (format nil "L~D" object))
(float (format nil "d~F" object))
(rational (format nil "d~F" (coerce object 'double-float)))
((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8))
(format nil "j~A" (cl-base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string object)))
(string (format nil "s~A" (escape-new-line object)))))
(defun convert-output (type value)
(ecase type
((#\n) :null)
((#\b) (equalp value "true"))
((#\L) (values (parse-integer value)))
((#\D) (read-from-string value))
((#\i) (values (parse-integer value)))
((#\j) (cl-base64:base64-string-to-usb8-array value))
((#\d) (read-from-string value))
((#\s) (unescape-new-line value))
((#\v) (values))
((#\c) (list :class value))
((#\m) (list :method value))))
(defun escape-new-line (string)
(cond ((position-if (lambda (char)
(or (char= #\\ char)
(char= #\Newline char)
(char= #\Return char)))
(with-output-to-string (out)
(loop for char across string
do (case char
((#\\) (write-string "\\\\" out))
((#\Newline) (write-string "\\n" out))
((#\Return) (write-string "\\r" out))
(t (write-char char out))))))
(t string)))
(defun unescape-new-line (string)
(cond ((null (position #\\ string)) string)
(t (with-output-to-string (out)
(with-input-from-string (in string)
(loop with esc = nil
for char = (read-char in nil nil)
while char
do (cond ((and esc (eql char #\n))
(write-char #\Newline out)
(setf esc nil))
((and esc (eql char #\r))
(write-char #\Return out)
(setf esc nil))
((and esc (eql char #\\))
(write-char #\\ out)
(setf esc nil))
((eql char #\\)
(setf esc t))
(write-char char out)
(setf esc nil)))))))))
;; Example of use
;; PY4J> (connect)
;; #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "socket, peer:" {10052A7863}>
;; PY4J> (dir)
;; ("add" "getClass" "wait" "hashCode" "equals" "notifyAll" "main" "toString"
;; "notify"))
;; PY4J> (call 't "add" 1 2)
;; 3
;; PY4J> (ref-get "System")
;; (:CLASS "java.lang.System")
;; PY4J> (statics *)
;; ("setSecurityManager" "setProperties" "runFinalizersOnExit" "lineSeparator"
;; "setOut" "out" "clearProperty" "identityHashCode" "load" "arraycopy"
;; "nanoTime" "inheritedChannel" "gc" "getenv" "setErr" "console" "loadLibrary"
;; "getProperty" "setIn" "err" "in" "getProperties" "getSecurityManager" "exit"
;; "mapLibraryName" "setProperty" "currentTimeMillis" "runFinalization")
;; PY4J> (call '(:class "java.lang.System") "currentTimeMillis")
;; 1572656104143
;; PY4J> (disconnect)
;; *CONN*
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