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Created December 2, 2018 15:01
Advent of Code 2017 - Day 3
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
;;;; | Advent of Code 2017 |
;;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------+
(defpackage #:snippets/aoc2017/day3
(:use #:cl)
(in-package #:snippets/aoc2017/day3)
(defun spiral (function)
(catch 'stop
(let ((c 1)
(v 0)
(x 0)
(y 0))
(flet ((visit (dx dy)
(incf x dx)
(incf y dy)
(incf v)
(funcall function x y v)))
(visit 0 0)
(visit 1 0)
(dotimes (i c)
(visit 0 -1))
(dotimes (i (+ 1 c))
(visit -1 0))
(dotimes (i (+ 1 c))
(visit 0 1))
(dotimes (i (+ 1 c))
(visit 1 0))
(incf c 2))))))
(defun run-spiral (upper)
(lambda (x y v)
(when (= v upper)
(throw 'stop (list x y))))))
(defun distance (value)
(destructuring-bind (x y) (run-spiral value)
(+ (abs x) (abs y))))
(defun neighbors-sum (test-value)
(let ((grid (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(macrolet ((cell (x y)
`(gethash (list ,x ,y) grid 0)))
(lambda (x y v)
(declare (ignore v))
(setf (cell x y)
(if (and (zerop x) (zerop y))
(+ (cell (- x 1) (- y 1))
(cell (- x 1) y)
(cell (- x 1) (1+ y))
(cell x (- y 1))
(cell x (+ y 1))
(cell (+ x 1) (- y 1))
(cell (+ x 1) y)
(cell (+ x 1) (+ y 1)))))
(when (> (cell x y) test-value)
(throw 'stop (cell x y))))))))
(defun day3 (input-value)
(list (distance input-value)
(neighbors-sum input-value)))
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