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Sue Lockwood deathbearbrown

  • Seattle, WA
View GitHub Profile
var five = require("../lib/johnny-five");
var Lever = require("./lever")(five);
var board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
var pins = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var levers = {
return new Lever(pin);

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a 9x13 pan with parchment. (Or spray-oil, but this is a pretty sticky cake.)
6 egg yolks
3/4c sugar
Put in stand mixer with the whisk and blend for ~10 minutes. They'll get thick and pale and beautiful.
8oz toasted walnuts, almonds, or pecans, ground to a semi-fine consistency (think breadcrumbs, not flour)
1/2t ground cardamom
2.5oz breadcrumbs or gluten-free flour mix (we use Pamela's pancake/waffle mix for this)
var five = require("johnny-five");
var Spark = require("spark-io");
var board = new five.Board({
io: new Spark({
token: "a81cf99a8c1fe45b74d749d521a32671eb443d5e",
deviceId: "53ff6f065067544840551187"