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Sue Lockwood deathbearbrown

  • Seattle, WA
View GitHub Profile
deathbearbrown / gist:4636575
Created January 25, 2013 18:11
some data from Hubstation
"temporary": "FALSE",
"name": "Fan Pier",
"installed": "TRUE",
"terminalName": "A32000",
"lat": "42.353412",
"locked": "FALSE",
"lng": "-71.044624",
"id": "7"
deathbearbrown / gist:5784139
Created June 14, 2013 18:29
Models and Collections
You might be used to thinking of a model like a prototype.
You know a Person in your DB will have the following attributes: Name, Age, Phone
in backbone you'd make a model for person like this
Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
Greetings couchdb pals,
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var five = require("johnny-five");
var Spark = require("spark-io");
var board = new five.Board({
io: new Spark({
token: "a81cf99a8c1fe45b74d749d521a32671eb443d5e",
deviceId: "53ff6f065067544840551187"
Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a 9x13 pan with parchment. (Or spray-oil, but this is a pretty sticky cake.)
6 egg yolks
3/4c sugar
Put in stand mixer with the whisk and blend for ~10 minutes. They'll get thick and pale and beautiful.
8oz toasted walnuts, almonds, or pecans, ground to a semi-fine consistency (think breadcrumbs, not flour)
1/2t ground cardamom
2.5oz breadcrumbs or gluten-free flour mix (we use Pamela's pancake/waffle mix for this)

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

var five = require("../lib/johnny-five");
var Lever = require("./lever")(five);
var board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
var pins = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
var levers = {
return new Lever(pin);
import DS from 'ember-data';
var Pledge = DS.Model.extend({
amount: DS.attr('float'),
pledge_type: DS.attr('integer'),
swag: DS.hasMany('rewards', {async: true}),
prizes: DS.hasMany('prizes', {async: true}),
premiums: DS.hasMany('premiums', {async: true}),
first_name: DS.attr('string'),
deathbearbrown / gist:59107523c419a1a911dd
Created April 30, 2015 19:12
An example of interacting with a model
require_once(__DIR__ . 'autoload.php');
require_once(API_BASE_PATH . '/utils/base-model.php');
$campaign = new CampaignModel();
$campaign->title = 'testing';
$campaign->save(); //created
$campaign->title = 'boogers';

Setting Up a Remote Server on AWS

Log into WFMU's aws with the credentials that you got from Jeff. Go to EC2 on that insanely cluttered menu, the icon is orange and it's up top on the left.

Start an instance by clicking that big blue button:

  • Select your VM image. Most of our apps use an Ubuntu 64-bit image, which is the last option in the list.
  • NEXT: Instance type, use Micro instances (t1.micro) for now and we can change it later :)