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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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node-minecraft-protocol#packets-1.8 login failure
node-minecraft-protocol $ MC_USERNAME=test NODE_DEBUG=mc-proto node examples/client_echo.js
You are using a pure-javascript implementation of RSA.
Your performance might be subpar. Please consider installing URSA
MC-PROTO: 3064 Old-styling packet
MC-PROTO: 3064 writing packetId handshaking.set_protocol (0x0)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { protocolVersion: 47,
serverHost: 'localhost',
serverPort: 25565,
nextState: 2 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 Old-styling packet
MC-PROTO: 3064 writing packetId login.login_start (0x0)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { username: 'test' }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId login.compress (0x3)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 3, threshold: 256 }
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 150
cursor + length = 45
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId login.success (0x2)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 2,
uuid: '530fa97a-357f-3c19-94d3-0c5c65c18fe8',
username: 'test' }
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 105
cursor + length = 20
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 85
cursor + length = 20
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 65
cursor + length = 4
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 61
cursor + length = 11
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 50
cursor + length = 12
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 38
cursor + length = 4
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 34
cursor + length = 4
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 30
cursor + length = 30
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.player_info (0x38)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 56,
action: 0,
length: 1,
[ { UUID: [Object],
name: 'test',
propertiesLength: 0,
properties: [],
gamemode: 0,
ping: 0,
hasDisplayName: false } ] }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.statistics (0x37)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 55, count: 0, entries: [] }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.held_item_slot (0x9)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 9, slot: 0 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.abilities (0x39)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 57,
flags: 0,
flyingSpeed: 0.05000000074505806,
walkingSpeed: 0.10000000149011612 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.spawn_position (0x5)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 5, location: { x: -148, y: 64, z: 92 } }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.difficulty (0x41)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 65, difficulty: 1 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.custom_payload (0x3f)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 63,
channel: 'MC|Brand',
data: <Buffer 07 76 61 6e 69 6c 6c 61> }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.login (0x1)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 1,
entityId: 7516,
gameMode: 0,
dimension: 0,
difficulty: 1,
maxPlayers: 20,
levelType: 'default',
reducedDebugInfo: false }
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 35
cursor + length = 35
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.player_info (0x38)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 56,
action: 0,
length: 1,
[ { UUID: [Object],
name: 'username1',
propertiesLength: 0,
properties: [],
gamemode: 0,
ping: 0,
hasDisplayName: false } ] }
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 232
cursor + length = 30
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 202
cursor + length = 36
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 166
cursor + length = 43
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 123
cursor + length = 19
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 104
cursor + length = 96
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 8
cursor + length = 8
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.set_slot (0x2f)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 47, windowId: -1, slot: -1, item: { id: -1 } }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.window_items (0x30)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 48,
windowId: 0,
count: 45,
[ { id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id: -1 },
{ id:
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.update_time (0x3)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 3, age: [ 0, 21092 ], time: [ -1, -275 ] }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.world_border (0x44)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 68,
action: 3,
x: 0,
z: 0,
old_radius: 60000000,
new_radius: 60000000,
speed: 0,
portalBoundary: 29999984,
warning_time: 5,
warning_blocks: 15 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.position (0x8)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 8, x: -149.5, y: 67, z: 93.5, yaw: 0, pitch: 0, flags: 0 }
MC-PROTO: 3064 read packetId play.player_info (0x38)
MC-PROTO: 3064 { id: 56,
action: 0,
length: 1,
[ { UUID: [Object],
name: 'test',
propertiesLength: 0,
properties: [],
gamemode: 0,
ping: 0,
hasDisplayName: false } ] }
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 25027
cursor + length = 25027
MC-PROTO: 3064 Cursor : 6
Started reading compressed packet
oldbuffer.length = 25507
cursor + length = 25027
MC-PROTO: 3064 Cursor : 6
buffer.length = 0
dataLength = 592487
var packetId = packetIdField.value;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
at finishParsing (/Users/admin/games/voxeljs/node-minecraft-protocol/lib/protocol.js:1541:33)
at /Users/admin/games/voxeljs/node-minecraft-protocol/lib/protocol.js:1629:9
at Inflate.onEnd (zlib.js:227:5)
at Inflate.emit (events.js:129:20)
at _stream_readable.js:908:16
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)
node-minecraft-protocol $
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