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Last active October 16, 2021 08:40
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Simple use of optionals in Swift 5.
// Simple use of optionals
// unwrapping with if let
var nickname: String? = nil
if let unwrap = nickname {
print("Successfully created user as: \(unwrap).")
} else {
print("User creation failed.")
// unwrapping with guard let
func brand(name: String?) {
guard let unwrapped = name else {
print("There is no name!")
print("My favourite brand is \(unwrapped).")
brand(name: nil) // There is no name!
// nil coalescing
func queue(position: Int) -> String? {
if position == 1 {
return "You are next."
} else {
return nil
let person = queue(position: 5) ?? "You must wait."
print(person) // You must wait.
// failable initializer
struct User {
var password: String
init?(password: String) {
if password.count >= 8 {
self.password = password
} else {
return nil
let jack = User(password: "passwrd")
print(jack?.password ?? "Password too short!") // Password too short!
// typecasting
class Engine { }
class Electric: Engine { }
class Petrol: Engine {
func makeBrap() {
let engines = [Electric(), Petrol(), Electric(), Petrol()]
for engine in engines {
if let brapMaker = engine as? Petrol {
// Brap!
// Brap!
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