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Created May 1, 2019 02:08
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Tie example
int count = 0;
public boolean changeToken(int index) {
// make sure this space is blank, if not return
if (gameArray[index] != Token.Blank) {
System.out.println("Space is already used");
return false;
// get token for player
Token t;
if (p1Turn) {
t = Token.X;
} else {
t = Token.O;
// set token at index
gameArray[index] = t;
System.out.println("changes token");
// see if won, if so, game is over and return true
if (checkForWin(index)) {
gameOver = true;
return true;
} else if(checkForTie()) {
count = 0;
gameOver = true;
return true;
// change turns
p1Turn = !p1Turn;
return true;
public boolean checkForTie() {
return count == 8;
public boolean isSpaceBlank(int index) {
if (gameArray[index] == Token.Blank) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public boolean isP1Turn() {
return p1Turn;
public boolean checkForWin(int index) {
//TO DO: check to see if there is a winner. If so, set win field and return true; otherwise, return false
if(gameArray[0] == gameArray[1] && gameArray[1] == gameArray[2])
win = Win.TOP_ROW; // Could probably do this with a case switch
if(gameArray[0] == gameArray[3] && gameArray[3] == gameArray[6])
win = Win.LEFT_COL;
//Blah... If statement
//More If statements
//MOAR if statements
if(win != Win.NONE)
count = 0;
return win != Win.NONE;
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