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Last active November 26, 2020 16:17
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The Kafka topics partitions replicas reassignment with replica increase

The Kafka topics partitions replicas reassignment with replica increase

The script gets a csv file with no header which contains kafka topics and the number of each topic's partitions and produces the JSON file to reassign and replicate. The replica broker numbers defined in the BROKERS array.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# TITLE: kafka-topics-partitions-replicas-reassignment
# The script gets a `csv` file with no header which contains **kafka** topics
# and the number of each topic's partitions and produces the JSON file to
# reassign and replicate. The replica broker numbers defined in the BROKERS
# array.
# Afile named "topics.csv" with two columns like below:
# topic1,11
# topic2,12
# topic3,13
# VERSION: 0.1.0 at Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:02:47 +0330
# AUTHOR: debman @ GitHub
set -euo pipefail
BROKERS=(2 3 5 7 8 9)
TOTAL=$(wc -l < $INPUT_FILE)
echo -n "{\"version\":1,
while read -r LINE ; do
TOPIC=$(echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d\,)
PARTITIONS=$(echo $LINE | cut -f2 -d\,)
for PARTITION in $(seq 0 $((PARTITIONS - 1))); do
ARRAY=( $(shuf -n 3 -e ${BROKERS[@]}) )
echo ' {"topic":"'$TOPIC'","partition":'$PARTITION',"replicas":['\
${ARRAY[0]}','${ARRAY[1]}','${ARRAY[2]}']},' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
done < $INPUT_FILE
echo ']}' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
sed -ri $(($LINES - 1))'s/(.*),/\1 /' $OUTPUT_FILE
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