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Created July 26, 2016 09:09
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Kotlin 과 EclipseCollection 으로 구현한 병렬 처리 루틴
* Copyright (c) 2016. Sunghyouk Bae <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package debop4k.core.collections.eclipseCollections
import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.MutableMultimap
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.parallel.ParallelIterate
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.parallel.ParallelMapIterate
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger
val DEFAULT_MIN_FORK_SIZE: Int = 10000
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.parFilter(reorder: Boolean = true, crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Collection<T> {
{ predicate(it) },
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.parReject(reorder: Boolean = true, crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Collection<T> {
return ParallelIterate.reject(this, { predicate(it) }, reorder)
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.parCount(crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {
return ParallelIterate.count(this, { predicate(it) })
* Parallel forEach
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.parForEach(crossinline action: (T) -> Unit): Unit {
ParallelIterate.forEach(this, { action(it) })
inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.parForEachWithIndex(crossinline procedure: (T, Int) -> Unit): Unit {
{ t, i -> procedure(t, i) })
* Parallel Map
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parMap(crossinline mapper: (T) -> V): Collection<V> {
return parMap(true, mapper)
* Parallel Map
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parMap(reorder: Boolean, crossinline mapper: (T) -> V): Collection<V> {
return ParallelIterate.collect(this, { mapper(it) }, reorder)
* Parallel Flat Map
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parFlatMap(crossinline mapper: (T) -> Collection<V>): Collection<V> {
return parFlatMap(true, mapper)
* Parallel Flat Map
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parFlatMap(reorder: Boolean,
crossinline mapper: (T) -> Collection<V>): Collection<V> {
return ParallelIterate.flatCollect(this, { mapper(it) }, reorder)
* Parallel Filter and Mapping
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parFilterMap(crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean,
crossinline mapper: (T) -> V): Collection<V> {
return parFilterMap(predicate, mapper, true)
* Parallel Filter and Mapping
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parFilterMap(crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean,
crossinline mapper: (T) -> V,
reorder: Boolean): Collection<V> {
return ParallelIterate.collectIf(this, { predicate(it) }, { mapper(it) }, reorder)
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parGroupBy(crossinline function: (T) -> V): MutableMultimap<V, T> {
return ParallelIterate.groupBy(this, { function(it) })
inline fun <K, V, R : MutableMultimap<K, V>> Iterable<V>.parGroupBy(crossinline function: (V) -> K,
batchSize: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_FORK_SIZE): MutableMultimap<K, V> {
return ParallelIterate.groupBy(this,
{ function(it) },
inline fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.parAggregateBy(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> K,
crossinline zeroValueFactory: () -> V,
crossinline nonMutatingAggregator: (V, T) -> V,
batchSize: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_FORK_SIZE): MutableMap<K, V> {
return ParallelIterate.aggregateBy(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ zeroValueFactory() },
{ v, t -> nonMutatingAggregator(v, t) },
inline fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.parAggregateInPlaceBy(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> K,
crossinline zeroValueFactory: () -> V,
crossinline mutatingAggregator: (V, T) -> Unit,
batchSize: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_FORK_SIZE): MutableMap<K, V> {
return ParallelIterate.aggregateInPlaceBy(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ zeroValueFactory() },
{ v, t -> mutatingAggregator(v, t) },
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByDouble(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline doubleFunc: (T) -> Double): ObjectDoubleMap<V> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByDouble(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ doubleFunc(it) })
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByFloat(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline floatFunc: (T) -> Float): ObjectDoubleMap<V> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByFloat(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ floatFunc(it) })
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByLong(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline longFunc: (T) -> Long): ObjectLongMap<V> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByLong(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ longFunc(it) })
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByInt(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline longFunc: (T) -> Int): ObjectLongMap<V> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByInt(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ longFunc(it) })
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByBigDecimal(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline longFunc: (T) -> BigDecimal): MutableMap<V, BigDecimal> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByBigDecimal(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ longFunc(it) })
inline fun <T, V> Iterable<T>.parSumByBigInteger(crossinline groupBy: (T) -> V,
crossinline longFunc: (T) -> BigInteger): MutableMap<V, BigInteger> {
return ParallelIterate.sumByBigInteger(this,
{ groupBy(it) },
{ longFunc(it) })
* Map을 병렬로 procedure를 호출하여 작업을 수행합니다.
inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.parForEach(crossinline procedure: (K, V) -> Unit): Unit {
ParallelMapIterate.forEachKeyValue(this, { k, v -> procedure(k, v) })
* Map을 병렬로 mapping 을 수행합니다
inline fun <K, V, R> Map<K, V>.parForMap(crossinline mapper: (K, V) -> R): Collection<R> {
return this.toList().parMap(true) { mapper(it.first, it.second) }
* Map을 병렬로 flat mapping 을 수행합니다
inline fun <K, V, R> Map<K, V>.parFlatMap(crossinline flatMapper: (K, V) -> Collection<R>): Collection<R> {
return this.toList().parFlatMap(true) { flatMapper(it.first, it.second) }
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