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Created August 6, 2019 15:36
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2 conditions pupil size example (bad defaults)
title: 'Example'
output: html_document
```{r, message=FALSE}
# load required packages
library("lme4") # model specification / estimation
library("afex") # anova and deriving p-values from lmer
library("broom.mixed") # extracting data from model fits
library("faux") # data simulation
# NOTE: to install the 'faux' package, use:
# devtools::install_github("debruine/faux")
library("tidyverse") # data wrangling and visualisation
# ensure this script returns the same results on each run
### Data simulation function
# set up the custom data simulation function
my_sim_data <- function(nsubj = 100, # number of subjects
ntrials = 130, # number of trials per condition
b0 = 800, # grand mean
b1 = 50, # effect of condition
S0s_sd = 100, # by-subject random intercept sd
S1s_sd = 40, # by-subject random slope sd
scor = 0.2, # correlation between intercept and slope
err_sd = 200 # residual (standard deviation)
) {
# simulate subjects
subjects <- faux::sim_design(
within = list(effect = c(S0s = "By-subject random intercepts",
S1s = "By-subject random slopes")),
n = nsubj,
sd = c(S0s_sd, S1s_sd),
r = scor,
id = "subj_id",
plot = FALSE
# simulate trials
dat_sim <- crossing(subj_id = subjects$subj_id,
trial_id = 1:ntrials,
condition = c("A", "B")) %>%
inner_join(subjects, "subj_id") %>%
mutate(err = rnorm(nrow(.), mean = 0, sd = err_sd),
cond = recode(condition, "A" = -0.5, "B" = 0.5)) %>%
mutate(pupil_size = b0 + S0s + (b1 + S1s) * cond + err) %>%
select(subj_id, condition, cond, pupil_size)
## Analyzing the simulated data
# fit a linear mixed-effects model to data
mod_sim <- lmer(pupil_size ~ 1 + cond + (1 + cond | subj_id),
data = my_sim_data(), REML = TRUE)
summary(mod_sim, corr = FALSE)
## Calculate Power
# set up the power function
my_lmer_power <- function(...) {
# ... is a shortcut that forwards any arguments to my_sim_data()
dat_sim <- my_sim_data(...)
mod_sim <- lmer(pupil_size ~ 1 + cond + (1 + cond | subj_id),
data = my_sim_data(), REML = TRUE)
# run one model with default parameters
# run one model with new parameters
my_lmer_power(ntrials = 50, b1 = 20)
```{r, eval = FALSE}
# run simulations and save to a file
reps <- 100
sims <- purrr::map_df(1:reps, ~my_lmer_power())
write_csv(sims, "sims/sims.csv")
```{r, message=FALSE}
# read saved simulation data
sims <- read_csv("sims/sims.csv")
# calculate mean estimates and power for specified alpha
alpha <- 0.05
sims %>%
filter(effect == "fixed") %>%
group_by(term) %>%
mean_estimate = mean(estimate),
mean_se = mean(std.error),
power = mean(p.value < alpha)
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