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Last active September 12, 2021 18:54
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Check possible p, t, and SD of difference score for within-subject means and SDs over a range of r-values
within_t <- function(n = 100, mu1 = 0, mu2 = 0, sd1 = 1, sd2 = 1, r = 0,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
x <- faux::rnorm_multi(n = n,
mu = c(A = mu1, B = mu2),
sd = c(sd1, sd2),
r = r,
empirical = TRUE)
test <- t.test(x$A, x$B,
paired = TRUE,
alternative = match.arg(alternative))
# test info
diff_mean = mu2 - mu1,
diff_sd = sd(x$A - x$B),
t = test$statistic[[1]],
p = test$p.value
check_p <- function(n = 100, mu1 = 0, mu2 = 0, sd1 = 1, sd2 = 1,
r_min = -.99, r_max = .99, r_digits = 2,
alternative = c("two.sided", "less"),
reported_p = NULL, plot_type = c("p", "t", "diff_sd"),
save = NULL) {
plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
# make sure r-values are in real range
r_min <- max(-.99, r_min)
r_max <- min(.99, r_max)
# set up params
params <- tidyr::crossing(
n = n,
mu1 = mu1,
mu2 = mu2,
sd1 = sd1,
sd2 = sd2,
r = seq(r_min, r_max, 10^(-r_digits)),
alternative = alternative
) %>%
# calculate p and t-values
dplyr::bind_cols(purrr::pmap_df(., within_t))
# get plausible p-values if reported_p is set
if (!is.null(reported_p)) {
params <- params %>%
dplyr::mutate(plausible =
abs(round(p, r_digits) - reported_p) <
r_range <- r_max - r_min
p_x <- params %>%
filter(plausible) %>%
summarise(max = max(r),
min = min(r)) %>%
mutate(x = ifelse(max > .5, r_min + r_range*.1, r_max - r_range*.1)) %>%
multi <- list(mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sd1 = sd1, sd2 = sd2, n = n,
alternative = alternative) %>%
grp <- names(multi[multi>1])
if (length(grp) == 0) grp <- "all"
# plot the results
plot_n <- paste(n, collapse = ',')
plot_m1 <- round(mu1, 2) %>% paste(collapse = ',')
plot_sd1 <- round(sd1, 2) %>% paste(collapse = ',')
plot_m2 <- round(mu2, 2) %>% paste(collapse = ',')
plot_sd2 <- round(sd2, 2) %>% paste(collapse = ',')
plot <- params %>%
tidyr::unite(groups, grp, sep = "_", remove = FALSE) %>%
ggplot() +
title = glue("N = {plot_n}; M1 = {plot_m1} ({plot_sd1}); M2 = {plot_m2} ({plot_sd2})"),
color = paste(grp, collapse = ", "),
x = "r-value",
y = switch(plot_type,
p = "p-value",
t = "t-value",
diff_sd = "SD of the diference score")
# add reference line for p-value
if (plot_type == "p" && !is.null(reported_p)) {
plot <- plot +
geom_hline(yintercept = reported_p, alpha = 0.6) +
annotate("label", x = p_x, y = reported_p, label = glue("reported\np = {reported_p}"))
plot <- plot +
geom_line(aes(x = r, y = .data[[plot_type]], color = groups),
size = 1)
if (is.null(save)) {
} else {
ggsave(filename = save, plot = plot, width = 5, height = 5)
# test
params <- check_p(n = 24,
mu1 = 25, mu2 = 32,
sd1 = 30.51, sd2 = 30.29,
plot_type = "p",
reported_p = 0.03)
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