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Last active May 16, 2019 11:29
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Testing interactive input of study design
# make unique pairs of level names to ask for cors
unique_pairs <- function(v) {
if (is.numeric(v)) { v <- LETTERS[1:v] }
expand.grid(a = v, b = v) %>%
filter(a != b) %>% t() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate_all(sort) %>% t() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
tidyr::unite(combo, 1:2) %>%
dplyr::distinct(combo) %>%
inter_test <- function() {
wn <- readline(prompt="How many within-subject factors do you have?: ")
within <- list()
cors <- list()
if (wn > 0) {
for (i in 1:wn) {
p <- paste0("Name of within-subject factor ", i, ": ")
name <- readline(prompt=p)
p <- paste0("How many levels of ", name, ": ")
nlevels <- readline(prompt=p) %>% as.integer()
levels <- c()
for (j in 1:nlevels) {
p <- paste0("Name of factor ", name, ", level ", j, ": ")
levels[j] <- readline(prompt=p)
up <- unique_pairs(levels)
r <- purrr::map_dbl(up, function(x) {
p <- paste0("Correlation for ", x, ": ")
readline(prompt=p) %>% as.double()
if (!is_pos_def(cormat_from_triangle(r))) {
warning("That correlation matrix is not possible")
within[[name]] <- levels
cors [[name]] <- r
bn <- readline(prompt="How many between-subject factors do you have?: ")
between <- list()
if (bn > 0) {
for (i in 1:bn) {
p <- paste0("Name of between-subject factor ", i, ": ")
name <- readline(prompt=p)
p <- paste0("How many levels of ", name, ": ")
nlevels <- readline(prompt=p) %>% as.integer()
levels <- c()
for (j in 1:nlevels) {
p <- paste0("Name of factor ", name, ", level ", j, ": ")
levels[j] <- readline(prompt=p)
between[[name]] <- levels
within <- purrr::map(within, faux:::fix_name_labels)
between <- purrr::map(between, faux:::fix_name_labels)
cells_w <- faux:::cell_combos(within)
cells_b <- faux:::cell_combos(between)
g <- expand.grid(w = cells_w, b = cells_b)
mu <- purrr::map2(g$w, g$b, function(w, b) {
p <- paste0("Mean of within-subject cell ", w, " in between-subject condition ", b, " : ")
}) %>% matrix(nrow = length(cells_w), dimnames = list(cells_w, cells_b)) %>%
sd <- purrr::map2(g$w, g$b, function(w, b) {
p <- paste0("SD of within-subject cell ", w, " in between-subject condition ", b, " : ")
}) %>% matrix(nrow = length(cells_w), dimnames = list(cells_w, cells_b)) %>%
n <- readline(prompt="Sample size per cell: ") %>% as.integer()
within = within,
between = between,
cells_w = cells_w,
cells_b = cells_b,
n = n,
mu = mu,
sd = sd,
r = cors
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