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Created October 29, 2023 14:19
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Calculate minimum bounding circle radius for geolocation coordinates using Welzl's algorithm
package helpers
import (
type Point struct {
Lat, Lng float64
type Circle struct {
Center Point
Radius float64
// Find the radius of the circle that contains all the given geo coordinates
// using the Min Bounding Circle algorithm
func MinBoundingCircleRadius(points *[]types.Point) float64 {
return welzl(points).Radius
func welzl(points []Point) Circle {
// Shuffle the points to ensure a random order
rand.Shuffle(len(points), func(i, j int) { points[i], points[j] = points[j], points[i] })
return welzlRecursive(points, []Point{})
func welzlRecursive(points, boundary []Point) Circle {
if len(boundary) == 3 {
return makeCircle(boundary)
if len(points) == 0 && len(boundary) == 2 {
return makeCircle(boundary)
if len(points) == 0 || len(boundary) == 3 {
if len(boundary) == 0 {
return Circle{}
} else if len(boundary) == 1 {
return Circle{Center: boundary[0], Radius: 0}
} else if len(boundary) == 2 {
return makeCircle(boundary)
// Try without the last point
circle := welzlRecursive(points[:len(points)-1], boundary)
if distance(points[len(points)-1], circle.Center) <= circle.Radius {
return circle
// Try with the last point
return welzlRecursive(points[:len(points)-1], append(boundary, points[len(points)-1]))
func makeCircle(boundary []Point) Circle {
if len(boundary) == 0 {
return Circle{}
} else if len(boundary) == 1 {
return Circle{Center: boundary[0], Radius: 0}
} else if len(boundary) == 2 {
center := Point{(boundary[0].Lat + boundary[1].Lat) / 2, (boundary[0].Lng + boundary[1].Lng) / 2}
radius := distance(boundary[0], center)
return Circle{Center: center, Radius: radius}
// Three points: Compute the circumcenter and circumradius
a, b, c := boundary[0], boundary[1], boundary[2]
d := 2 * (a.Lat*(b.Lng-c.Lng) + b.Lat*(c.Lng-a.Lng) + c.Lat*(a.Lng-b.Lng))
ux := ((a.Lat*a.Lat+a.Lng*a.Lng)*(b.Lng-c.Lng) + (b.Lat*b.Lat+b.Lng*b.Lng)*(c.Lng-a.Lng) + (c.Lat*c.Lat+c.Lng*c.Lng)*(a.Lng-b.Lng)) / d
uy := ((a.Lat*a.Lat+a.Lng*a.Lng)*(c.Lat-b.Lat) + (b.Lat*b.Lat+b.Lng*b.Lng)*(a.Lat-c.Lat) + (c.Lat*c.Lat+c.Lng*c.Lng)*(b.Lat-a.Lat)) / d
center := Point{ux, uy}
radius := distance(center, a)
return Circle{Center: center, Radius: radius}
func distance(p1, p2 Point) float64 {
lat1, lng1 := p1.Lat, p1.Lng
lat2, lng2 := p2.Lat, p2.Lng
radlat1 := math.Pi * lat1 / 180.0
radlng1 := math.Pi * lng1 / 180.0
radlat2 := math.Pi * lat2 / 180.0
radlng2 := math.Pi * lng2 / 180.0
dlat := radlat2 - radlat1
dlng := radlng2 - radlng1
a := math.Pow(math.Sin(dlat/2), 2) + math.Cos(radlat1)*math.Cos(radlat2)*math.Pow(math.Sin(dlng/2), 2)
c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a))
return 6371000 * c // Earth radius in meters
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