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Class for performing Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) operations.
from ecdsa.util import number_to_string
from ecdsa.ellipticcurve import INFINITY
from ecdsa import SigningKey, VerifyingKey
__all__ = [
class NoKeyError(Exception):
"""ECDH. Key not found but it is needed for operation."""
class NoCurveError(Exception):
"""ECDH. Curve not set but it is needed for operation."""
class InvalidCurveError(Exception):
"""ECDH. Raised in case the public and private keys use different curves."""
class InvalidSharedSecretError(Exception):
"""ECDH. Raised in case the shared secret we obtained is an INFINITY."""
class ECDH(object):
Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH). A key agreement protocol.
Allows two parties, each having an elliptic-curve public-private key
pair, to establish a shared secret over an insecure channel
def __init__(self, curve=None, private_key=None, public_key=None):
ECDH init.
Call can be initialised without parameters, then the first operation
(loading either key) will set the used curve.
All parameters must be ultimately set before shared secret
calculation will be allowed.
:param curve: curve for operations
:type curve: Curve
:param private_key: `my` private key for ECDH
:type private_key: SigningKey
:param public_key: `their` public key for ECDH
:type public_key: VerifyingKey
self.curve = curve
self.private_key = None
self.public_key = None
if private_key:
if public_key:
def _get_shared_secret(self, remote_public_key):
if not self.private_key:
raise NoKeyError(
"Private key needs to be set to create shared secret"
if not self.public_key:
raise NoKeyError(
"Public key needs to be set to create shared secret"
if not (
self.private_key.curve == self.curve == remote_public_key.curve
raise InvalidCurveError(
"Curves for public key and private key is not equal."
# shared secret = PUBKEYtheirs * PRIVATEKEYours
result = (
* self.private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier
if result == INFINITY:
raise InvalidSharedSecretError("Invalid shared secret (INFINITY).")
return result.x()
def set_curve(self, key_curve):
Set the working curve for ecdh operations.
:param key_curve: curve from `curves` module
:type key_curve: Curve
self.curve = key_curve
def generate_private_key(self):
Generate local private key for ecdh operation with curve that was set.
:raises NoCurveError: Curve must be set before key generation.
:return: public (verifying) key from this private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
if not self.curve:
raise NoCurveError("Curve must be set prior to key generation.")
return self.load_private_key(SigningKey.generate(curve=self.curve))
def load_private_key(self, private_key):
Load private key from SigningKey ( object.
Needs to have the same curve as was set with set_curve method.
If curve is not set - it sets from this SigningKey
:param private_key: Initialised SigningKey class
:type private_key: SigningKey
:raises InvalidCurveError: private_key curve not the same as self.curve
:return: public (verifying) key from this private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
if not self.curve:
self.curve = private_key.curve
if self.curve != private_key.curve:
raise InvalidCurveError("Curve mismatch.")
self.private_key = private_key
return self.private_key.get_verifying_key()
def load_private_key_bytes(self, private_key):
Load private key from byte string.
Uses current curve and checks if the provided key matches
the curve of ECDH key agreement.
Key loads via from_string method of SigningKey class
:param private_key: private key in bytes string format
:type private_key: :term:`bytes-like object`
:raises NoCurveError: Curve must be set before loading.
:return: public (verifying) key from this private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
if not self.curve:
raise NoCurveError("Curve must be set prior to key load.")
return self.load_private_key(
SigningKey.from_string(private_key, curve=self.curve)
def load_private_key_der(self, private_key_der):
Load private key from DER byte string.
Compares the curve of the DER-encoded key with the ECDH set curve,
uses the former if unset.
Note, the only DER format supported is the RFC5915
Look at
:param private_key_der: string with the DER encoding of private ECDSA key
:type private_key_der: string
:raises InvalidCurveError: private_key curve not the same as self.curve
:return: public (verifying) key from this private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
return self.load_private_key(SigningKey.from_der(private_key_der))
def load_private_key_pem(self, private_key_pem):
Load private key from PEM string.
Compares the curve of the DER-encoded key with the ECDH set curve,
uses the former if unset.
Note, the only PEM format supported is the RFC5915
Look at
it needs to have `EC PRIVATE KEY` section
:param private_key_pem: string with PEM-encoded private ECDSA key
:type private_key_pem: string
:raises InvalidCurveError: private_key curve not the same as self.curve
:return: public (verifying) key from this private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
return self.load_private_key(SigningKey.from_pem(private_key_pem))
def get_public_key(self):
Provides a public key that matches the local private key.
Needs to be sent to the remote party.
:return: public (verifying) key from local private key.
:rtype: VerifyingKey object
return self.private_key.get_verifying_key()
def load_received_public_key(self, public_key):
Load public key from VerifyingKey ( object.
Needs to have the same curve as set as current for ecdh operation.
If curve is not set - it sets it from VerifyingKey.
:param public_key: Initialised VerifyingKey class
:type public_key: VerifyingKey
:raises InvalidCurveError: public_key curve not the same as self.curve
if not self.curve:
self.curve = public_key.curve
if self.curve != public_key.curve:
raise InvalidCurveError("Curve mismatch.")
self.public_key = public_key
def load_received_public_key_bytes(self, public_key_str):
Load public key from byte string.
Uses current curve and checks if key length corresponds to
the current curve.
Key loads via from_string method of VerifyingKey class
:param public_key_str: public key in bytes string format
:type public_key_str: :term:`bytes-like object`
return self.load_received_public_key(
VerifyingKey.from_string(public_key_str, self.curve)
def load_received_public_key_der(self, public_key_der):
Load public key from DER byte string.
Compares the curve of the DER-encoded key with the ECDH set curve,
uses the former if unset.
Note, the only DER format supported is the RFC5912
Look at
:param public_key_der: string with the DER encoding of public ECDSA key
:type public_key_der: string
:raises InvalidCurveError: public_key curve not the same as self.curve
return self.load_received_public_key(
def load_received_public_key_pem(self, public_key_pem):
Load public key from PEM string.
Compares the curve of the PEM-encoded key with the ECDH set curve,
uses the former if unset.
Note, the only PEM format supported is the RFC5912
Look at
:param public_key_pem: string with PEM-encoded public ECDSA key
:type public_key_pem: string
:raises InvalidCurveError: public_key curve not the same as self.curve
return self.load_received_public_key(
def generate_sharedsecret_bytes(self):
Generate shared secret from local private key and remote public key.
The objects needs to have both private key and received public key
before generation is allowed.
:raises InvalidCurveError: public_key curve not the same as self.curve
:raises NoKeyError: public_key or private_key is not set
:return: shared secret
:rtype: byte string
return number_to_string(
self.generate_sharedsecret(), self.private_key.curve.order
def generate_sharedsecret(self):
Generate shared secret from local private key and remote public key.
The objects needs to have both private key and received public key
before generation is allowed.
It's the same for local and remote party.
shared secret(local private key, remote public key ) ==
shared secret (local public key, remote private key)
:raises InvalidCurveError: public_key curve not the same as self.curve
:raises NoKeyError: public_key or private_key is not set
:return: shared secret
:rtype: int
return self._get_shared_secret(self.public_key)
# !/usr/bin/python
# This need install flask, you need command like: pip flask or easy_install falsk
# pip3 install flask ; pip3 install ecdsa ; pip3 install cryptography ; 拷贝ecdh.py到对应的目录下
import os
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from ecdsa import SECP256k1
from ecdh import ECDH
import json
import base64
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM
app = Flask(__name__)
grin = "0VPkJVLRGRNrFweu6rU1"
walletServer = ''
foreignServer = ''
password = '123456'
sharedKey = None
token = None
@app.route('/v2/postForeign', methods=['POST'])
def home1():
url = request.headers.get('url')
if (
data =
# print data
req = "curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST " + foreignServer + url + " --data '" + data + "' --basic -u grin:" + grin
result = os.popen(req)
str =
return str
@app.route('/v2/postOwner', methods=['POST'])
def v2_post():
url = request.headers.get('url')
if (
data =
req = "curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST " + walletServer + url + " --data '" + data + "' --basic -u grin:" + grin
result = os.popen(req)
str =
return str
@app.route('/v3/postOwner', methods=['POST'])
def v3_post():
global sharedKey, token
if sharedKey is None:
sharedKey = initSecure()
if token is None:
open_wallet = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "open_wallet", "id": 1,
"params": {"name": 'null', "password": password}}
return_result = sendEncryptedRequest(open_wallet, "/v3/owner")
token = return_result['result']['Ok']
url = request.headers.get('url')
data =
post_json = addTokenToParam(str(data, encoding="utf-8"))
encrypted_request = sendEncryptedRequest(post_json, url)
return encrypted_request
# def whiteCommand(param):
# if param in list:
# return True
# if param not in list:
# return False
# ecdh密钥交换
def initSecure():
ecdh = ECDH()
public_key = ecdh.get_public_key()
my_pubKey = bytes.hex(public_key.to_string('compressed'))
init_data = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "init_secure_api",
"params": {"ecdh_pubkey": my_pubKey},
"id": 1}
text = json.dumps(init_data)
req = "curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST " + walletServer + "/v3/owner " + " --data '" + text + "' --basic -u grin:" + grin
result = os.popen(req)
response =
loads = json.loads(response)
other_pubkey = loads['result']['Ok']
shared_key = ecdh.generate_sharedsecret_bytes()
return bytes.hex(shared_key)
# 加密传输;解密
def sendEncryptedRequest(data, url="/v3/owner"):
nonce = os.urandom(12)
aesgcm = AESGCM(bytes.fromhex(sharedKey))
ct = aesgcm.encrypt(nonce, bytes(json.dumps(data), encoding="utf8"), None)
body_enc = base64.standard_b64encode(ct)
encrypted_request_v3 = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "encrypted_request_v3",
"params": {"nonce": bytes.hex(nonce),
"body_enc": str(body_enc, encoding="utf-8")},
"id": 1}
text = json.dumps(encrypted_request_v3)
req = "curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST " + walletServer + url + " --data '" + text + "' --basic -u grin:" + grin
result = os.popen(req)
response =
loads = json.loads(response)
return_info = loads['result']['Ok']
return_body_enc = return_info['body_enc']
return_nonce = return_info['nonce']
return_decrypt = aesgcm.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(return_nonce), base64.standard_b64decode(return_body_enc), None)
return_json = json.loads(str(return_decrypt, encoding="utf-8"))
return return_json
# 将token加入参数里面
def addTokenToParam(param):
param = param.replace('false', 'False').replace('true', 'True').replace('null', 'None')
result = eval(param)
result['params']['token'] = token
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
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