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Last active September 10, 2019 13:11
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ipaddress
import datetime
from confluent_kafka import Consumer
from ssl import get_default_verify_paths
# The following needs to be available in PYTHONPATH
import flow_messages_enriched_pb2 as api
# example output:
2019-09-10 15:04:07.913857: averaged 815Mbps (of 6024Mbps total)
# skip to line 129 for actual operation, the following classes are implementing the counting
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self, version=6, root=False):
self.lnode = None
self.rnode = None
self.depth = 0 # prefix len
self.content = 0 # should be a network address of correct afi
self.volume = 0.0 # bit/s this net has seen
self.__root = root
self.version = version
if self.version == 4:
self.maxlen = 32
elif self.version == 6:
self.maxlen = 128
raise NotImplementedError
def __getitem__(self, bit):
if bit == 0:
return self.lnode
elif bit == 1:
return self.rnode
raise IndexError
def __setitem__(self, bit, node):
if bit == 0:
self.lnode = node
elif bit == 1:
self.rnode = node
raise IndexError
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name in ["insert"]:
# safeguards insertions on non-root nodes
if self.__root:
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
raise AttributeError("Method '{}' is only valid on the root node.".format(name))
# all other methods behave normally
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def netaddr(self):
return "{}/{}".format(ipaddress.ip_address(self.content), self.depth)
def insert(self, addr, volume):
current = self
content = 0
for i in range(self.maxlen+1): # descend the trie, bit by bit
current.depth = i
current.volume += volume
current.content = content
if i < self.maxlen:
bit = (addr >> (self.maxlen-1-i)) & 1
if not current[bit]:
current[bit] = TrieNode(version=self.version)
current = current[bit]
content = content | (bit<<(self.maxlen-1-i))
def get_prefixes(self, limit):
# end of recursion, a leaf
if not self.lnode and not self.rnode:
if self.volume > limit:
return set([self]) # leafs may return themselves
return set() # or -- more likely -- an empty set
# start of recursion, for both children, if applicable
prefixes = set()
if self.lnode:
if self.rnode:
# if the aggregation of both children reaches the limit, return self
if not prefixes and self.volume > limit:
return prefixes
def __str__(self):
""" prettyprint self """
content = self.netaddr()
lnode = "✔" if self.lnode else "✗"
rnode = "✔" if self.rnode else "✗"
volume = int(self.volume)
return f"<TrieNode {content} ({volume}Mbps) [{lnode}, {rnode}]>"
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class BitCounter:
""" A class for counting bits by IP prefix and managing the tries. """
def __init__(self):
self.ipv4_trie = TrieNode(version=4, root=True)
self.ipv6_trie = TrieNode(version=6, root=True)
def insert(self, flowmsg):
if flowmsg.Etype == 0x0800: # ipv4
self.ipv4_trie.insert(int.from_bytes(flowmsg.DstAddr, "big"), int(flowmsg.Bytes))
elif flowmsg.Etype == 0x86dd: # ipv6
self.ipv6_trie.insert(int.from_bytes(flowmsg.DstAddr, "big"), int(flowmsg.Bytes))
raise NotImplementedError
def get_total(self):
return self.ipv4_trie.volume + self.ipv6_trie.volume
def get_prefixes(self, limit):
return self.ipv4_trie.get_prefixes(limit), self.ipv6_trie.get_prefixes(limit)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# usernames are prefixed with the customer id
USERNAME = "001-johndoe"
# consumer group names are prefixed with the username
GROUP = USERNAME+"-subnet_volume-dev"
# boilerplate for initializing a Kafka consumer
consumer = Consumer(
"bootstrap.servers": "",
"": GROUP,
"security.protocol": "sasl_ssl",
"": get_default_verify_paths().cafile,
"sasl.mechanisms": "PLAIN",
"sasl.username": USERNAME,
"sasl.password": PASSWORD,
# the name of the topic is usually the customer id plus some description
# in this case, it's the default customer-specific stream
# the following limit is the threshold from which subnets will be logged
# this obviously depends on the interval configured in line 163
# alert limit: xxx MB
VOLUME_ALERT_LIMIT = 100 * 1024**2
while True:
counter = BitCounter() # initialize a new counter
# the following line determines the interval in which bytes are counted
finish_time = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
while < finish_time:
raw = consumer.poll() # this fetches a flow message from Kafka
if raw.error():
continue # errors are ignored in this example
# parse the received message using protobuf
flowmsg = api.FlowMessage()
# the following filters for flows which are of interest:
# the flow is incoming AND from the peer in question
if flowmsg.FlowDirection == 0 and "DFN" in flowmsg.SrcIfDesc:
counter.insert(flowmsg) # this function inserts the flow volume in a prefix trie
v4, v6 = counter.get_prefixes(VOLUME_ALERT_LIMIT) # this function receives all highest nodes exceeding the limit...
for p in v4 | v6: # ... and we print them all for now
print(f"{finish_time}: {p.netaddr()} averaged {int(p.volume/1024**2)}Mbps (of {int(counter.get_total()/1024**2)}Mbps total)")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
consumer.close() # exit gracefully
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