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Last active June 23, 2022 08:12
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Pega Hotfix Validator script in PHP
* Pega Hotfix Validator script.
* With this little script you can manually validate a hotfix download from Pega MPS.
* It simply process the different steps described in the Pega documentation, see below.
* @author Alexandre Debusschère <>
* @see
if (!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4', '>=')) {
echo 'You need at least PHP v7.4 to run this script.';
* Deal with command lines to validate a hotfix.
* @version 1.0.0
class HotfixValidator
private const EXIT_SUCCESS = 0;
private const EXIT_FAILURE = 1;
protected int $argc;
protected array $argv;
protected SplFileInfo $hotfix;
protected string $working_directory;
protected array $sig;
public function __construct(int $argc, array $argv)
$this->argc = $argc;
$this->argv = $argv;
protected function out(string|array $messages): void
foreach ((array)$messages as $message) {
echo ($message).PHP_EOL;
protected function success(string|array $messages): void
$this->out(array_map(fn($message) => "\e[0;32m".$message."\e[0m", (array)$messages));
protected function info(string|array $messages): void
$this->out(array_map(fn($message) => "\e[0;36m".$message."\e[0m", (array)$messages));
protected function error(string|array $messages): void
$this->out(array_map(fn($message) => "\e[0;31m".$message."\e[0m", (array)$messages));
protected function help(): void
'Pega Hotfix Validator script',
'Usage: php hf-validator.php []',
'Required argument:',
' The hotfix zip file downloaded from Pega MSP'
protected function extractHotfix(): void
$this->hotfix = new SplFileInfo($this->argv[1]);
if (!$this->hotfix->isFile() || strtolower($this->hotfix->getExtension()) != 'zip') {
$this->error('Provided hotfix is not a file or not ZIP file...');
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($this->hotfix->getRealPath()) !== true) {
$this->error('Unable to unzip provided file...');
$this->working_directory = './'.$this->hotfix->getBasename('.zip');
$this->out('ZIP file extracted to '.$this->working_directory);
protected function setWorkingDirectory(): void
$this->out('Changed working directory to '.$this->working_directory);
protected function extractJsonSigfile(): void
$this->sig = json_decode(file_get_contents('SIGFILE.JSON'), true);
$this->out('Extracted and decoded SIGFILE.JSON');
protected function executeCommand(string $cmd, ?callable $interpreter = null): void
$output = null;
$returned_value = null;
exec($cmd, $output, $returned_value);
$interpreter ?: function ($output, $returned_value) use ($cmd) {
if ($returned_value !== 0) {
$this->error('The command line failed: '.$cmd);
$this->out(['Succeeded:', ' > '.$cmd]);
protected function decodeCertificatesToFiles(): void
$pegasystems = $this->sig['certificates'][0];
$intermediate = $this->sig['certificates'][1];
$cmd = sprintf('echo %s | base64 --decode > pegasystems.der', $pegasystems);
$cmd = sprintf('echo %s | base64 --decode > intermediate.der', $intermediate);
protected function translateCertificatesIntoCrtFormat(): void
$cmd = 'openssl x509 -in pegasystems.der -inform der > pegasystems.crt';
$cmd = 'openssl x509 -in intermediate.der -inform der > intermediate.crt';
protected function verifySubjectCertificate(): void
$cmd = 'openssl x509 -in pegasystems.crt -text -noout';
$this->executeCommand($cmd, function ($output, $returned_value) use ($cmd) {
if ($returned_value !== 0) {
$this->error('The command line failed: '.$cmd);
$values = 'C = US, ST = Massachusetts, L = Cambridge, O = Pegasystems Inc., CN = Pegasystems Inc.';
if (!str_contains($output[10], $values)) {
$this->error('Unable to match the certificate subject with the required one.');
$this->out(['Succeeded:', ' > '.$cmd]);
protected function verifyCertificateChain(): void
$cmd = 'openssl verify -crl_download -crl_check -untrusted intermediate.crt pegasystems.crt';
$this->executeCommand($cmd, function ($output, $returned_value) use ($cmd) {
if ($returned_value !== 0) {
$this->error('The command line failed: '.$cmd);
if ($output[0] !== 'pegasystems.crt: OK') {
'The command line "%s" did not return "pegasystems.crt: OK" but : %s',
$this->out(['Succeeded:', ' > '.$cmd]);
protected function extractPublicKeyFromPegaSystemsCertificate(): void
$cmd = 'openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in pegasystems.der -inform der >';
protected function checkSignatures(): void
foreach ($this->sig['signatures'] as ['path' => $path, 'signature' => $signature]) {
$this->info('Checking file: '.$path);
$cmd = sprintf('echo %s | base64 --decode > signature.sig', $signature);
$cmd = sprintf(
'openssl dgst -verify -keyform PEM -sha256 -signature signature.sig %s',
$this->executeCommand($cmd, function ($output, $returned_value) use ($cmd) {
if ($returned_value !== 0) {
$this->error('The command line failed: '.$cmd);
if ($output[0] !== 'Verified OK') {
'The command line "%s" did not return "Verified OK": %s',
$this->out(['Succeeded:', ' > '.$cmd]);
protected function deleteExtractFolder(): void
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->working_directory, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
foreach ($iterator as $filename => $file_info) {
$file_info->isDir() ?
rmdir($filename) :
$this->out(sprintf('Cleaned folder %s', $this->working_directory));
public function run(): void
if ($this->argc < 2) {
$this->error('Missing hotfix ZIP file...');
$this->success(sprintf('Hotfix %s validated successfully !', $this->hotfix->getBasename()));
$validator = new HotfixValidator($argc, $argv);
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