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Created October 19, 2019 02:45
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Hasell show typeclass
import Data.Text
data MyCaseClass
= MyCaseClass
{ _id :: Int
, name :: Text
data MyOtherCaseClass
= MyOtherCaseClass
{ __id :: Int
, _name :: Text
class MyShow a where
myShow :: a -> String
instance MyShow Int where
myShow x = "int " ++ show x
instance MyShow Text where
myShow x = "a string " ++ show x
instance MyShow a => MyShow (Maybe a) where
myShow x =
case x of
Just y -> "Some " ++ myShow y
Nothing -> "Nothing"
instance (MyShow a, MyShow b) => MyShow (Either a b) where
myShow x =
case x of
Left l -> "left " ++ myShow l
Right r -> "right " ++ myShow r
instance MyShow MyCaseClass where
myShow (MyCaseClass _id name) =
myShow _id ++ " " ++ myShow name
main = do
putStrLn $ myShow $ (233 :: Int)
putStrLn $ myShow $ pack "Hello"
putStrLn $ myShow $ Just (223 :: Int)
putStrLn $ myShow $ Just $ pack "hello"
putStrLn $ myShow $ (Right (83 :: Int) :: Either Int Int)
putStrLn $ myShow $ MyCaseClass { _id = 1, name = (pack "eric") }
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