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Created February 11, 2023 09:51
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#version 330 core
out vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D tileMap;
uniform sampler2DArray atlas; //because atlas is now a Texture array we need the proper sampler type for that
uniform sampler2D lightMap;
uniform sampler1D ambient; //1D gradient texture that is used for day-night changes
uniform mat4 view; //Matrix is responsible for converting screen coord (gl_FragCoord) to world coodinates.
//View will also translate and scale world (scroll/zoom)
uniform float worldTime; // This value is used to sample ambientGradient to color our world for day/night cycle
uniform bool heightMapView;
const int tileSize = 1024; //this seems to control the resolution of the tiles
//Easing function, however, I don't think this is working correctly for anything but x;
float easeInQuad(float x) {
return x;
vec4 biLerp(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c, vec4 d, float s, float t)
vec4 x = mix(a, b, easeInQuad(t));
vec4 y = mix(c, d, easeInQuad(t));
return mix(x,y, easeInQuad(s));
void main()
vec2 mapSize = textureSize(tileMap, 0);
vec3 atlasSize = textureSize(atlas, 0); //returns width, height, and depth of texture array
//Tile here represents a 1 tile in the aTexture tile map, x, y is tile position, z, w is offset into atlas
vec2 worldPosition = vec2(view * vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy, 0, 1));
vec4 tile = texelFetch(tileMap, ivec2(worldPosition), 0);
vec4 tileColor = texture(lightMap, vec2(worldPosition.x / mapSize.x, worldPosition.y / mapSize.y));
bool isOutOfWorld = (worldPosition.x > mapSize.x || worldPosition.x < 0) || (worldPosition.y > mapSize.y || worldPosition.y < 0);
// vec3 inTilePosition = vec3(fract(worldPosition.x) * tileSize, fract(worldPosition.y) * tileSize, 0);
// inTilePosition = vec3(inTilePosition.x / atlasSize.x, inTilePosition.y / atlasSize.y, 0);
vec2 texCoord = fract(worldPosition.xy);
vec2 shiftedWorldPosition = worldPosition.xy - vec2(0.5);
ivec2 baseTile = ivec2(shiftedWorldPosition);
vec2 bilerpFactors = fract(shiftedWorldPosition);
float aW = texelFetch(tileMap, baseTile, 0).w;
float bW = texelFetch(tileMap, baseTile + ivec2(1,0), 0).w;
float cW = texelFetch(tileMap, baseTile + ivec2(0,1), 0).w;
float dW = texelFetch(tileMap, baseTile + ivec2(1,1), 0).w;
vec4 aColor = texture(atlas, vec3(texCoord, aW * 255));
vec4 bColor = texture(atlas, vec3(texCoord, bW * 255));
vec4 cColor = texture(atlas, vec3(texCoord, cW * 255));
vec4 dColor = texture(atlas, vec3(texCoord, dW * 255));
vec4 outColor = biLerp(
color = (!isOutOfWorld ? outColor : vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) * clamp((texture(ambient, worldTime / 24.0f) + tileColor), vec4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
color = (!isOutOfWorld ? vec4(tile.z, tile.z, tile.z, 1.0f) : vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
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