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Last active August 12, 2024 13:25
Flickr Functional Suite - NEW 2014 is a new working version provided by Ch. Tilford himeself (great thanks to him !) for firefox greater than 21.


It is a new working version provided graciously to me by Ch. Tilford himself (great thanks to him !) for firefox greater than 21

GM - Flickr Functional Suite - NEW (by C. Tilford) [PASTEBIN]

It is My Working Backup: (removed if the author update it)

It's an update of:

Flickr Functional Suite (not updated since 2006) [USO Mirror (Deprecated)]

by Charles Tilford:

Goods Originals Infos: Very Detailed Screenshots in its Script Info...

"Users Color Flags: Provides an interface to let you assign colors to users you meet – that way, if you find a user’s link on a page in the future, it will automatically be highlighted with these color you previously gave them. In group pool pages, you can highlight user photos where more than one image is visible from the same user. You can also overlay all comments from a user under the corresponding photos on that page. "


To use it in Firefox Quantum and Tampermonkey, after its instlation, you need to go it parametres (in Tampermonkey) :

  • Set its "Options of compatibility GM/FF" by checking all of them
  • Change "Ajouter des fonctions GM à "this" ou à la fenêtre:" to "OFF"

See my screenshot:

Flick - PhotoShow PB - FFS - 2024-08-12_142546


I make some useful adaptations for it with my "Flickr WideScreen" userstyles to make it work better, so install them all at once by installing:

Flickr WideScreen - BigONE [GreasyFork]

OR better use my:

Flickr WideScreen - BigONE [UserStyles World - USw]

Stay always some Problems to solve :

1 - On photo page, click on the user name don't provide its Color flag popup: The only (strange solution) is to install "View on Flickriver" - Greasemonkey script

OR my Tweaked working version:

Flickr - View on View on FlickRiver (2017 - Fork by Decembre)

"adds Flickriver links to various Flickr photo pages - user photos, favorites, pools etc, allowing to quickly open the corresponding Flickriver view"

Note (2023.11.09): Not need if you use this special version of FFS including it (working in Waterfox Classic but fail in Quantum, don't understand why):

GM - Flickr Functional Suite - NEW (by C. Tilford) - With Flickr River Tweak [PASTEBIN]

2 - When you click on User name in Pool/FAVs etc page the Color-Flag popup appear , but after a short time it open the stream page....

Other thing to know: Instal on Firefow Quantum: Sometime you need to go to the parameter of the script itself and Chek this options:

x Appliquer la compatibilité aux scripts @require

x Répare l'accès wrappedJSObject

x Convertir les sections CDATA dans un format compatible au navigateur

x Remplacer les instructions 'for each'

Help need:

Someone can find a solution against that?

How to convert Value stored by an userscript in Greasmonkey to Tampermonkey.

That's usefull when you want reuse your old Color Flags created under Greasmonkey to Tampermonkey

A - IN FIRST: find its dataBase (.db) for GreasMonkey To find the stored values with Greasmonkey, open your Firefox's Profile folder.

Find in it, the "gm_scripts" folder (where are stored all its userscipts and their .db).

Find in it, the desired .db (normally with a same name than the userscript you want convert its values).

B - OPEN the .db of your userscript

Now, you need to open this .db (where are stored these userscript's values in Greasemonkey):

Open "DB Browser for SQLite"

Drop the .db found in its windows, to see the values stored in it.

In the top menu of "DB Browser for SQLite" choose:

Exporter > Table to JSON in folder you want.

C - Now you have a .json, which can be edited with a Text Editor, by example:


D - NOW go to the Tampermonkey Dasboard. To manipulate the value stored in it, you need before change Configurable Setting Diversity "Novice" to "Advanced". Now, "Open Tampermonkey's Dashboard and click at the script's name. Click at the 'Storage' if present and check or modify the stored data as needed. If there is no 'Storage' tab, then the script has no data stored."

Read: Q400: I want to edit/view the values stored by a userscript. How can I do that?

Show how the data are stored and in which format...

Open your .json with Notepad++ and format its values to the the same format:



Use the function "Search and replace" for that.

Notes: You need to TAKE CARE TO these prameters (preserv them). By example for me:

"colorUser": 1,
"colorMult": 0,
"sumMult": 0,
"getCom": 0,
"comWidth": "100",
"comSize": "9px",
"UserColors": "green PFMviewOK\n#2AFF8E PFMviewWAIT\n#FFDE9C PROP\n#8DFBF7 PF\n#FB933A PFO\n#BF8653 PFOmember\nRed PFOmoderateur\n#FFFF00 CPF\n#FF5F49 CPFAdmin\n#DF45BF LIMITCt\n#E6A2FF ConTc\n#ECCEC6 PROcontact\n#7F575C COLection\nBlack SUPP\n#AA50D7 VID\n#BFBDC2 Vu\n#CCCCFF Re- invitPFO",
"UserColorbenoitcourti": "#FB933A #8DFBF7 #ECCEC6 green"

"TagAssoc_group_947672@N21": "MY", "TagAssoc_group_portrait_face": "",

I choice the .JON conversion because it easy to make these "Search and replace". Now, copy paste this result to the Storage input of Tampermonkey and Save.

That's ok!

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