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Created January 18, 2013 18:39
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#GenesisWP Dev Chat from 2012-01-18
deckerweb 17:18:10
hi there!
wpconsult 17:18:18
GaryJ did someone look at that thing I posted yesterday?
nathanrice 17:18:28
there are a lot of pretty simple tickets, so go ahead and get your feet wet
GaryJ 17:18:30
As a first choice, I'd like to charge those who reported a ticket as being the ones who first come up with a patch - chances are, you've looked into the issue or considered the new feature more than anyone else, so don't be offended if I ask you to follow up your ticket with a patch.
wpconsult - yes - a commit has been done - still looking about whether a 1.9.2 is needed or not.
Norcross 17:19:00
is there a priority list on these 2.0 tickets?
GaryJ 17:19:07
Norcross ^^^ - that is ordered by priority, but mainly, get the non HTML5 stuff done first
Norcross 17:19:44
@GaryJ gotcha, thanks. wasn't sure how these were sorted.
wpsmith hat den Raum betreten
wpsmith 17:19:54
Good morning. Sorry I'm late.
GaryJ 17:21:00
The ever so catchy URL of gives a report that shows the priority - you can click column headings to change the sort order.
Welcome David and Travis
And Nick and Bill
nathanrice 17:21:27
so, if you submitted a ticket, and it's currently in the 2.0 milestone, you are probably going to be the person who needs to provide a patch.
even if it's not perfect
wpsmith 17:22:03
Dang...luckily NicktheGeek took the customizer
GaryJ 17:22:37
My role AIUI is as a first-line filter for Nathan - chasing tickets up, testing patches, asking for improved patches, and marking it as commit when I think it's ready for Nathan to look at.
wpconsult 17:23:17
did you see the ticket about the customizer and Genesis tabs?
nathanrice 17:23:29
yes alerted us
bradleyp hat den Raum betreten
nathanrice 17:24:01
but that's an issue with WP, not us
unless they say otherwise
bradleyp 17:24:11
whats up?
GaryJ 17:24:17
I'm not going to go through each ticket now - those who have access, and the time, can look through at their own convenience to find something that takes their interest. If you're not a reporter of a ticket, but fancy taking it on, please assign yourself as the owner by Accepting it.
nathanrice 17:25:28
as we progress through 2.0, we'll probably schedule another dev chat to discuss remaining tickets, but GaryJ is right … for now, just sign in and look through the list. surely there's something that you can help with
a couple of reminders for everyone with Trac access ...
Please don't assign tickets to milestones … let us decide when it needs to be addressed. We'll do a better job of not leaving things in the awaiting review state ...
and please don't reopen tickets that have been closed, unless you can verify that the exact same issue is still in place despite a change set.
discussion can still happen on closed tickets
GaryJ 17:28:44
If anyone is not sure how to create or test a patch, let me know.
nathanrice 17:28:50
Also, sometime soon (we don't know when, for sure) we'll be moving our repo and bug tracking to GitHub ...
cochran 17:29:12
ooo very nice
nathanrice 17:29:13
contributors will still be invite-only, but we will be able to invite a lot more people to contribute
deckerweb 17:29:17
great, with github
Norcross 17:29:29
wpconsult 17:29:36
deckerweb 17:29:40
does this also apply for child themes like Prose?
nathanrice 17:29:58
however, if you're not contributing now, there's a good chance you won't be invited back when we switch to Git
GaryJ 17:30:21
To clarify, it will be a private repo
thomasgriffin 17:30:35
+1 for github
nathanrice 17:30:54
so if you currently have Trac access, you need to use 2.0 to demonstrate that you're still interested in contributing. otherwise, you won't be invited to the Genesis repo on GitHub
Norcross 17:31:14
fair enough
nathanrice 17:31:14
yes, it will be private
kraftbj hat den Raum betreten
nathanrice 17:32:03
OK, that's all from me … does anyone have anything else?
bradleyp 17:32:36
only those with trac can beta test 2.0 ??
aaronhartland hat den Raum betreten
nathanrice 17:32:59
no, when betas are released, you can use our beta tester plugin to get them
but only Trac contributors get access to trunk
bradleyp 17:33:36
no access to trac
nathanrice 17:34:11
no worries … once we switch to GH, we'll be less concerned with limiting invites
wpconsult 17:34:27
how do we request access to the github repo?
GaryJ 17:34:36
I'd like to see us clearing net of ~5 tickets a week if possible (some are small tickets, some are large), which gives a very rough target of all 2.0.0 tickets closed within 3 months. If you see the chart at the bottom of then you'll see that release schedules have been getting longer and longer, and I'd like to see that change.
wpsmith 17:34:53
+1 GaryJ
nathanrice 17:35:18
indeed … the sooner we have some of these things addressed, the more time we have to test the solutions
wpconsult: not sure yet. will cross that bridge when we get there
wpconsult 17:36:02
ok thanks
wpsmith 17:37:38
nathanrice: #304 is Andrea going to take that?
nathanrice 17:37:47
wpsmith 17:38:19
is she andrei username?
nathanrice 17:38:27
GregRickaby hat den Raum betreten
nathanrice 17:38:54
Ron and Andrea share that username
GaryJ 17:39:10
wpsmith - no - that's one of the Assembla folks I think, along with nataraja
nathanrice 17:39:20
wpsmith 17:39:24
nathanrice 17:39:59
let GaryJ handle the Trac management, though … just focus on patches
wpsmith 17:40:16
ok my apologies, even if I remove myself?
deckerweb 17:40:26
yes, GaryJ does an awesome job with that!
wpsmith 17:40:27
that was assigned to me
nathanrice 17:40:46
oh yeah, feel free to remove yourself … no problem
wpsmith 17:41:05
yea, my thoughts were if I am assigned, I should re-assign it to someone by asking them first
this way it stays assigned
nathanrice 17:41:22
sure thing
wpsmith 17:41:27
ok awesome
GaryJ 17:41:43
(I only assigned you, because you'd created te patches, before Andrea offered.)
Does everyone who wants to help contribute to G 2.0 know how they can do it?
bradleyp 17:43:03
Norcross 17:43:07
Is there a specific protocol to assigning a ticket to yourself, if you didn't submit it?
deckerweb 17:43:28
yes, i think so, GaryJ
GaryJ 17:43:29
Norcross - Modify Ticket -> Accept (last of the radio buttons - NOT the Assign to)
Norcross 17:43:48
ok. do I (or anyone) need to ask permission first?
GaryJ 17:44:18
Nope - if you want it Norcross, go for it (unless someone has obviously contributed recent patches - in which case, test their patches first).
Norcross 17:44:32
understood. gracias.
GaryJ 17:44:44
bradleyp - obviously you don't have Trac access - nathanrice - is that someone we can sort out for this cycle - are there some spare slots left?
bradleyp 17:45:30
no big
nathanrice 17:45:57
I'll check
bradleyp 17:46:39
I'm coder lightweight so my contributions may be better elsewhere
GaryJ 17:47:22
bradleyp - we will need some CSS love before 2.0 is finished out.
Unless you're me, Nathan or Brian who are trying to usher tickets along, do check with someone that they are happy to accept before assigning tickets to them.
GregRickaby 17:48:23
Sorry I'm late. I can help with CSS stuff too
GaryJ 17:48:40
Once we see how much we can get done for 2.0, then we'll see if there's a theme of tickets emerging for 2.1
cochran 17:48:48
CSS and HTML5 I'm down for. Done a lot reading the spec on both.
nathanrice 17:49:22
GaryJ 17:50:04
cochran - there's a few tickets knowing around for that - get your input down on them so we can get that discussion moving along (though not likely to be many commits for this until the other tickets are more cleared).
wpsmith 17:50:30
nathan thoughts on expanding layout registration
cochran 17:50:36
GaryJ 17:51:01
#229, #435, #449, #517 for instance
wpsmith 17:51:29
nathanrice: see #441 &
still needs to be a bit "simpler" and smoother IMHO
cochran 17:51:53
GaryJ awesome, will take some time reading through and refreshing myself with htose.
nathanrice 17:52:03
low priority, but yes
cochran 17:52:28
Also, mobile will be a big part of 2.0? Or..
nathanrice 17:52:42
probably … but HTML5 has to be done first
bradleyp 17:53:39
I've always thought Genesis needs a siderbar / content / alt-sidebar layout
billerickson 17:54:52
@bradleyp: I've built that quite a few times for clients. But personally I wish Genesis didn't have any of the 3 column layouts built in. Don't add more!
Brian_Gardner 17:54:56
@brad - you can post CSS bugs, etc in Trac, and I'll work with you on that.
GaryJ 17:55:05
bradleyp - I've got a ticket for you. You know when you save the Genesis Theme Settings - the admin notice is wider than the settings boxes? It's because we're limiting the width of the boxes (and forcing a single column). What would be good, is to have the Theme / SEO settings boxes basically be responsive to any screen width, and up to 4 columns (like WP Dashboard). Would you fancy having
a look into that please?
Brian_Gardner 17:55:07
would love another set of eyes and input with that element of G 2.0
bradleyp 17:55:57
Don't make my head hurt Gary
wpsmith 17:56:14
bradleyp: simply look at theme settings and make any admin CSS recommendations
bradleyp 17:56:47
Sounds good Brian
Norcross 17:56:58
alright folks. I've gotta bow out. I'll start hitting tickets as I can.
GaryJ 17:57:07
bradleyp - see how doesn't line-up?
Norcross - great, thank you.
Norcross hat sich abgemeldet (Quit: Leaving)
nathanrice 17:57:49
yep, you guys feel free to continue the discussion … if someone can generate a transcript for this chat, that'd be great for people who missed it. preferably someone who has been in here for the while hour.
bradleyp 17:58:10
I can fix that in photoshop right away Gary
deckerweb 17:58:34
i could easily do a transcript but i've missed the first 10 minutes or so...
wpsmith 17:58:37
do we have an ETA on the Github migration?
nathanrice 17:58:42
deckerweb 17:59:22
where to put the transcript? (private?)
nathanrice 18:00:02
never mind … I might be able to do it myself
deckerweb 18:00:23
regarding admin css i also have a few minor fixes for textareas/input fields
billerickson 18:00:32
why make the transcript private? This is a public forum, anyone can join. I'm sure others in the community would be interested in seeing it
deckerweb 18:00:57
right, Bill, didn't thought of that
wpsmith 18:01:11
nathanrice Brian_Gardner have u guys published publicly the goals of 2.0?
nathanrice 18:01:22
Brian_Gardner 18:01:22
no we have not
GaryJ 18:01:22
deckerweb - so long as it means less CSS specific to Genesis, then that's good - we should be using as much WP CSS as necessary and little more - start a new ticket if you have some suggestions please
wpsmith 18:01:30
IMHO that would determine whether the script be private/public
Brian_Gardner 18:01:32
in our 1.9 G upgraded page, that'd be the only spot, really
bradleyp 18:01:33
@billerickson have you posted the additional layout code somewhere?
billerickson 18:02:09
I don't think so. Registering the layout is the same code as all the other layouts. The rest is CSS, and that's theme-specific
wpconsult 18:02:16
when moving footer outside of wrap, the scripts are loaded before the footer markup, instead of just before the closing body tag, is that something that can be avoided? I tried priorities but couldn't figure it out
deckerweb 18:02:18
yes, it especially regards Genesis & Prose, discovered recently after 1.9, I'll post the patch later today
GaryJ 18:02:35
cdils - can we tempt you into helping out in some way?
cdils 18:02:51
Would love to - think I'm probably more CSS than code...
GaryJ 18:02:56
and kraftbj?
Brian_Gardner 18:03:25
kraftbj's biggest contribution was his enews extended plugin.
GaryJ 18:03:30
Well, there's the ticket I explained above (for bradleyp if bradleyp doesn't fancy it)
deckerweb 18:03:37
i'll also oversee i18n/translation stuff together with defries and minor code stuff...
wpsmith 18:03:40
wpconsult: that should be easy enough
bradleyp 18:03:41
@billerickson I was just going to be lazy if you have already posted it
cdils 18:04:21
K. I don't have trac access, but bradleyp can loop me in on a specific issue...
bradleyp 18:04:24
@GaryJ I think what Brian suggested would be a better fit for me
wpsmith 18:04:27
wpconsult: r u moving the footer widgets as well?
wpconsult 18:04:42
wpsmith, will post a gist for you
GaryJ 18:05:14
cdils - brad doesn't have trac access either, but see the screenshot - shouldn't need anything else, since trac trunk is pretty much 1.9.1
cdils 18:05:30
GaryJ 18:06:01
cdils - load up Theme Settings, hit Save, then Inspect and fix in the browser until you have something working. We can worry about the PHP side of it to output the right markup / classes afterwards.
cdils 18:06:12
Will do.
GaryJ 18:06:30
deckerweb - appreciated.
bradleyp 18:08:16
will 2.0 be taking a mobile first approach?
wpsmith 18:09:04
bradleyp: prob not
since that is child theme specific more than anything
kraftbj 18:09:16
Stepped away for a second. Be more than happy to help. Noob to this piece of Genesis. If someone needs an extra set of eyes, love to help. No trac access.
NicktheGeek 18:09:19
I'd like to see the CSS start mobile first like Twenty Twelve did
cdils 18:09:26
GaryJ - Where should I post progress/fix on that? Send directly to you?
wpsmith 18:09:47
I concur with NicktheGeek I think cochran would be a great help there
NicktheGeek 18:09:55
I think it would be interesting to have some specific goals in each Genesis update like that similar to what they are doing with the default theme updates
GaryJ 18:10:10
Yes please cdils - I can then add it to the ticket and get some other eyes on it, as well as working out if any PHP changes are needed.
cochran 18:10:19
Mobiel first I am all about
mobile first*
GaryJ 18:10:43
As a side note, (Twitter) Bootstrap 3 has just moved to mobile first too.
NicktheGeek 18:10:58
Genesis 1.9 did that by making the improved css organization and the grid update as well as a less is more approach to the css rules. All great steps
deckerweb 18:11:16
mobile first sounds great, but personally i am happy with a great mobile nav menu solution that we could build on - has higher priority for me
cdils 18:11:44
Got to dash. Have a great Friday!
cdils hat den Raum verlassen
NicktheGeek 18:11:51
I was sad that the mobile nav did not make it into core. I stopped working on my mobile nav plugin because I thought that was going to make 1.9
wpconsult 18:12:00
NicktheGeek 18:12:19
I may have to make it happen but I kinda hate to do that when it will become irrelevant in 2.0
wpconsult 18:13:33
NickTheGeek, would you give this a try?
kraftbj 18:13:41
mobile nav would be great. NicktheGeek, I'd be up for checking out your code... working on a site now that I have to do something different for mobile than default.
bradleyp 18:14:40
+1 on the mobile nav
NicktheGeek 18:14:55
kraftbj, this is where I was at when I stopped
cochran 18:15:20
same here nickthegeek
i have like 4 different versions of mobile nave and genesis
kraftbj 18:15:48
nickthegeek - that is almost exactly what I outlined to do. Great thought.
NicktheGeek 18:16:41
btw, check out how the sidebars colapse as you scale down that demo
wpsmith 18:17:17
cochran: I think I've used 3 different versions billerickson & jared^ both have viable options as well
kraftbj 18:18:25
going afk for a moment - baby awoke early from nap.
GaryJ 18:21:13
In terms of the meeting, I think we're officially done, but feel free to stick around and continue the discussions
billerickson hat den Raum verlassen
Brian_Gardner 18:22:00
overall plan re: mobile nav is to get a) currently tickets down, and then b) as we work with HTML markup work congruently with updated styles/design.
deckerweb 18:22:44
thanks, Brian, understand now better
Brian_Gardner 18:24:25
alright everyone -- thanks for being here.
bradleyp 18:24:49
shameless plug -
Brian_Gardner 18:25:29
another shameless plug.
brad, that looks great. you and I will work together when it comes to getting 2.0 design, etc moving.
bradleyp 18:26:17
[Aditya] hat den Raum betreten
wpsmith 18:26:39
I did this last night
deckerweb 18:26:40
go, Brian & Brad, great things to come!
wpsmith 18:26:44
bradleyp 18:27:40
@wpsmith nice!
wpsmith 18:28:06
bradleyp: obvious bugs but fun
[Aditya] hat sich abgemeldet (Remote host closed the connection)
NicktheGeek hat sich abgemeldet (Remote host closed the connection)
bradleyp 18:29:57
Modern Portfolio is looking good Brian. Like the color hover effect
I also like how clean the themes are lately
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