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Forked from crazyhottommy/heatmap_ChIP-seq.r
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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# This R script is to generate the TF or histone modification heatmap
# at certain genomic features (TSS, enhancers) from the ChIP-seq data
# the input matrix is got from Homer software. alternative to R, use cluster3 to cluster, and visualize by # java Treeviewer
# generate the matrix by Homer: peak_file.txt hg19 -size 6000 -hist 10 -ghist -d TF1/ # > outputfile_matrix.txt
# see several posts for heatmap:
# 08/20/13 by Tommy Tang
# it is such a simple script but took me several days to get it work...I mean the desired
# color setting of the heatmap. Making a pretty figure takes time :)
# use either heatmap.2 from gplots or pheatmap
# you can compare the heatmaps generated by heatmap.2 and pheatmap
d1 <- read.table("outputfile_matrix.txt", header=T)
# have a look at the matrix
d1$Gene # the dataframe generated by homer has a column named Gene
m1<- as.matrix( d1[,2:ncol(d1)]) # the first column is the TSS id,
rownames(m1)<- d1$Gene # heatmap.2 works only on matrix, turn the dataframe to matrix, and # add the TSS id as the row name
m1<- log2(m1+1) # log2 transform the raw counts
#exam the data range
hist(m1) # histogram to look at distributions
# it is from the ChIP-seq count data, many of them are 0s. I transfromed the raw data
# by log2(m+1), so if the log2 value is 0, the raw number is also 0 (count)
# to compare different heatmaps, I have to map the value to the color using the
# break argument in pheatmap or heatmap.2 That's why I examed the data range.
bk = unique(c(seq(-0.1,3, length=100),seq(3,9.7,length=100)))
hmcols<- colorRampPalette(c("white","red"))(length(bk)-1)
# you can play around with the break points, 9.7 is the max of the matrix m1
# if just use bk = c(seq(-0.1,1, length=100),seq(1,12.5,length=100)) without the unique function
# the pheatmap gave me error message:
# Error in cut.default(x, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = T) :
# 'breaks' are not unique
# It is caused by concatenating several seq() results together, which share the same boundaries.
# try ?dist ?hclust
png("test.png", width=300, height = 800) # width and height are in pixel
heatmap.2(m1, col=hmcols, breaks = bk, Rowv= TRUE , Colv=FALSE, dendrogram="row", useRaster = TRUE, symkey=FALSE, symm=F, symbreaks=T, scale="none", trace="none", labRow=NA, labCol=NA)
# do not show the row and column labels
# trace argument should be put to "none", otherwise the trace is cyan and it will "eat" the heatmap
# I asked in Biostar
# look at the documentation for #heatmap.2
# or you can use pheatmap
pheatmap(m1, color=hmcols, breaks= bk, cluster_rows=TRUE, cluster_cols=FALSE, legend=FALSE, show_rownames=FALSE, show_colnames=FALSE)
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