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Created September 16, 2020 20:09
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import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
import XCTest
/* Return the middle
Write a function that returns the middle element of an array. When array size is even, return the first of the two middle elements.
func middle(_ array: [Int]) -> Int? {
// TODO: - Put your code here
if array.count == 0 {
return nil
} else {
var middleIndex = array.count / 2
if array.count % 2 == 0 {
middleIndex -= 1
return array[middleIndex]
/* Merge dictionaries
Write a function that combines two dictionaries into one. If a certain key appears in both dictionaries, ignore the pair from the first dictionary.
func merging(_ dict1: [String: String], with dict2: [String: String]) -> [String: String] {
// TODO: - Put your code here
var pairs: [String: String] = [:]
for (key, value) in dict1 {
pairs[key] = value
for (key, value) in dict2 {
pairs[key] = value
return pairs
/* Write a function that will run a given closure a given number of times.
func repeatTask(times: Int, task: () -> Void) {
if times > 0 {
for i in 1...times {
/* Write a function which takes a string and returns a version of it with each individual word reversed.
For example, if the string is “My dog is called Rover” then the resulting string would be "yM god si dellac revoR".
Try to do it by iterating through the indices of the string until you find a space, and then reversing what was before it. Build up the result string by continually doing that as you iterate through the string.
func reverseWords(_ string: String) -> String {
// TODO: - Your code goes here
var reversed = ""
var words = string.split(separator: " ")
if words.count == 0 {
return reversed
for i in 0...words.count - 1 {
let word = words[i]
if i < words.count - 1 {
reversed.append(" ")
return reversed
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