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Created August 18, 2022 22:23
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/** @jsx h */
import { h, json, jsx, serve } from "";
import { ssr } from "";
const App = () => (
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
const NotFound = () => (
<h1>Page not found</h1>
const Hello = (props) => (
<div class={`bg-white flex h-screen`}>
<h1 class={`text-5xl text-gray-900 m-auto mt-20`}>
Hello {}!
"/": () => jsx(<App />),
"/api": () => json({ message: "Hello world" }),
"/hello": (req) => {
const url = new URL(req.url);
const name = url.searchParams.get("name") ?? "world";
console.log(`Name: ${name}`);
return ssr(() => <Hello name={name} />);
404: () => jsx(<NotFound />, { status: 404 }),
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