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Created March 22, 2016 06:36
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recurse directory and test each .torrent file for available seeds and number of leeches
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local table = require "table"
local target = require "target"
local lfs = require "lfs"
local bittorrent = stdnse.silent_require "bittorrent"
description = [[
This script is an adaptation of <bittorent-discovery.nse> and can be used
to retrieve the number of [seeders] and [leeches] for a variable number of
.torrent files. User must specify the root directory then the script will
recursively load and test each .torrent file found.
DHT discovery will not be performed and no target machine will be investigated
for open ports. IPs read from communicated data can be printed on standard
output using the -d debug feature (or -v).
The idea is to have a statistic of data available/requested. A report is
printed on standard output, a list of files and their values.
Note: HTTP values are guessed and may be incorrect.
-- @usage
-- nmap --script bittorrent-report --script-args bittorrent-report.rdir=<directory path>,bittorrent-report.blist=<file path>
-- @args bittorrent-report.rdir string, top directory path [required]
-- @args bittorrent-report.blist string, blacklist's filename [optional]
-- @args bittorrent-report.sort number, column for sorting output [to be done]
-- @output
-- | bittorrent-report:
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\FILENAME_1.torrent] seeders[8] leeches[3]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\FILENAME_2.torrent] seeders[2] leeches[2]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\FILENAME_3.torrent] seeders[1] leeches[4]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\FILENAME_4.torrent] seeders[0] leeches[1]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\_LEVEL_1A_\FILENAME_5.torrent] seeders[4] leeches[2]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\_LEVEL_1A_\FILENAME_6.torrent] seeders[2] leeches[3]
-- | [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\_LEVEL_1B_\FILENAME_7.torrent] seeders[1] leeches[3]
-- |_ [c:\_ROOTDIR_\_LEVEL_1_\_LEVEL_1B_\FILENAME_8.torrent] <-- Load file failed.
author = "Antonio de Curtis"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"discovery","safe"}
prerule = function()
if not stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".rdir") then
stdnse.debug3("Skipping '%s' %s, No root directory specified.", SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_TYPE)
return false
return true
action = function()
local recurse_dir = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".rdir")
local bl_filename = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME..".blist")
if not recurse_dir then return false end
local blist_table = {}
local results_table = {}
local DIR_SEP = lfs.get_path_separator()
-- load the blacklist if any
if bl_filename then
local torr = bittorrent.Torrent:new()
blist_table = torr:load_blacklist(bl_filename)
-- recurse [_top directory_] and execute test
function browseFolder(root)
stdnse.debug(0, "Folder [" .. root .. "]")
for entity in lfs.dir(root) do
if entity~="." and entity~=".." then
local fullPath = root..DIR_SEP..entity
local test_ent = false
-- since lfs.attributes() is not available we fool the thing
for testing in lfs.dir(fullPath) do
test_ent = true
-- process a file
if false == test_ent then
-- discard spurios file names
local a, b = string.find(fullPath, ".torrent")
if a and b then
stdnse.debug(0, " File [" .. fullPath .. "]")
local torrent = bittorrent.Torrent:new()
local ok, err_text = torrent:load_from_file(fullPath)
if true == ok then
table.insert(results_table, "[" .. fullPath .. "] seeders[" .. torrent.num_seeders ..
"] leeches[" .. torrent.num_leeches .. "]")
local text = "[" .. fullPath .. "] <-- Load failed [" .. err_text .. "]"
stdnse.debug(0, " -->" .. text)
table.insert(results_table, text)
-- process a directory
-- recurse the given directory
-- return the output table to caller
return stdnse.format_output(true, results_table)
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