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Last active December 11, 2018 13:23
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  • Save dedmen/b95fae17ce927da1a91fcb82f6d3901e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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params ["_unit"];
//calc sun pos and set night/day time in map view
VKN_fnc_sunEval = { //TO-DO may wanna move this to CfgFunctions
private _lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude");
private _day = 360 * (dateToNumber date);
private _hour = acos ((24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)) / ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat)));
_daytime = _hour / 360 * 24;
private _sunEval = call VKN_fnc_sunEval;
private _time = [0, 1] select ((_sunEval <= 6) or (_sunEval >=21));
//Collect loading screen image - if none, use terrain default
private _loadingPicture = getText (missionconfigfile >> "loadScreen");
if (_loadingPicture == "") then {
_loadingPicture = getText (configFile >> "cfgworlds" >> worldName >> "pictureShot");
sleep 0.1;
private _missionData = (_unit call BIS_fnc_tasksUnit) apply {
private _taskInfo = _x call BIS_fnc_taskDescription; //return ["description", "title", "marker"]
private _taskPos = _x call BIS_fnc_taskDestination; //return [x,y,z], or [object,precision]
private _taskState = _x call BIS_fnc_taskState;
private _taskDescription = _taskInfo select 0; //Isolate Description
private _taskTitle = _taskInfo select 1; //Isolate Title
//If taskPos is a object, resolve it to a position.
if ((_taskPos select 0) isEqualType objNull) then {
//getPos and convert to [x,y,z]
_taskPos = getPos (_taskPos select 0);
//setup custom mission using final data
{systemChat format ["%1, you can't use this feature!",name ((_this # 9) # 0)]},
"Task State: " + _taskState,
sleep 0.1;
//Collect ORBAT data
_orbatData = [
getPos _unit, //TO-DO: Grab respawn and apply full ORBAT, grab player and apply their sections ORBAT.
configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "VKN",
configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "VKN" >> "HQ",
["Viking PMC ORBAT"],
sleep 0.1;
//Ignore client/server side exec - function VKN_fnc_initStrategicMap does this already
findDisplay 46, //display type
[worldSize / 2, worldsize / 2, 0], //Position - currently map center
_missionData, //large array of every task type
_orbatData, //Apply orbat onto the map at the position of the player
[], //Markers - TO-DO: Grab all pre-placed markers and place them
overcast, //Mission overcast
_time, //Evaluated time
1, //scaler (zoom) max 1
true, //Simulation of effect
"Viking PMC Strategic Map Viewer", //Default lable at bottom
true, // Show map name
_loadingPicture //grab evaluated picture
] call BIS_fnc_StrategicMapOpen;
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