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Created September 10, 2017 16:43
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0, 0,\
4.10, 3.70, 2.50, 1.85,\
0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005,\
0.5, 0.3, 10.0, 6.0\
1, 1,\
8, 8, 8, 8,\
0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005,\
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0\
//--- Init
_isInit = isnil "BIS_periodIsPost";
if (_isInit) then {
if (isnil "BIS_player2") then {BIS_player2 = player;};
BIS_loadout = getunitloadout BIS_player2;
deletevehicle BIS_player2;
BIS_switchPeriodEnabled = false;
BIS_periodIsPost = false;
BIS_canSwitchPeriod = false;
BIS_isSwitchingPeriod = false;
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPre = ppEffectCreate ["Colorcorrections",1611];
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPre ppeffectenable false;
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPre ppeffectadjust [1,1.1,0,[0,1,1,0.0],[1,1,1,1.21],[0,0.5,0.5,0]];//[1,1,0,[0,1,1,0.0],[1,1,1,1.21],[0.07,0.07,0.07,0]];
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPre ppeffectcommit 0;
//BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPreVignette = ppEffectCreate ["Colorcorrections",1612];
//BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPreVignette ppeffectenable false;
//BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPreVignette ppeffectadjust [1,1,0,[0,1,1,0.0],[1,1,1,1.21],[0.07,0.07,0.07,0]];
//BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPreVignette ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPost = ppEffectCreate ["Colorcorrections",1613];
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPost ppeffectenable false;
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPost ppeffectadjust [1,1,-0.06,[0,0.4,1,0.03],[1,1,1,0.85],[0.75,0.25,0,1]];
BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPost ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_Vignette = ppeffectcreate ["colorCorrections",1896];
BIS_PP_Vignette ppeffectenable false;
BIS_PP_Vignette ppeffectadjust [1,1,0,[0,0,0,0.5],[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0],[0.8,0.75,0,0,0,0.5,1]];
BIS_PP_Vignette ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_RadialBlur = ppEffectCreate ["RadialBlur",112];
BIS_PP_RadialBlur ppeffectenable false;
BIS_PP_RadialBlur ppeffectadjust [0.005, 0.005, 0.225, 0.35];
BIS_PP_RadialBlur ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectenable true;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectadjust WETDISTORTION_0;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_Pre = [BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPre,BIS_PP_Vignette,BIS_PP_RadialBlur];
BIS_PP_Post = [BIS_PP_ColorCorrectionsPost];
_fnc_initSwitch = {
[] spawn {
_idd = if (bis_orange_isIntro) then {0} else {46};
waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay _idd)}; //--- Mission display not available instantly after Resuming
if !((finddisplay _idd) getvariable ["BIS_switchPeriodInit",false]) then {
(finddisplay _idd) setvariable ["BIS_switchPeriodInit",true];
(finddisplay _idd) displayaddeventhandler [
if ((_this select 1) in (actionkeys "teamSwitch")) exitwith {
[] spawn BIS_Orange_fnc_switchPeriod;
[] call _fnc_initSwitch;
addmissioneventhandler ["loaded",_fnc_initSwitch];
enableTeamSwitch false;
//--- To memory
_title = localize "STR_A3_Orange_Campaign_memoryFragment_action";
_actionID = player addaction [
[false] spawn BIS_Orange_fnc_switchPeriod;
"BIS_periodIsPost && {BIS_canSwitchPeriod && {savingenabled}}",
player setUserActionText [
"<img size='3' shadow='0' color='#ffffffff' image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HoldActions\progress\progress_0_ca.paa'/>",
"<img size='3' color='#ffffff' image='\a3\UI_F_Orange\Data\CfgOrange\Missions\action_fragment_ca.paa'/><br/><br/>" + _title
//--- From memory
_title = localize "str_a3_boot_m02_bis_return2_title";
_actionID = player addaction [
[true] spawn BIS_Orange_fnc_switchPeriod;
"!BIS_periodIsPost && {savingenabled}",
player setUserActionText [
"<img size='3' shadow='0' color='#ffffffff' image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\HoldActions\progress\progress_0_ca.paa'/>",
"<img size='3' color='#ffffff' image='\a3\UI_F_Orange\Data\CfgOrange\Missions\action_fragment_back_ca.paa'/><br/><br/>" + _title
private _force = param [1,false,[false]];
private _skipEffect = param [3,false,[false]];
//--- Saving is disabled during cutscenes, use it also for disabling period switching
if (!savingenabled && !_force && !bis_orange_isIntro) exitwith {};
//--- Terminate when transition is already happening
if (BIS_isSwitchingPeriod) exitwith {};
BIS_isSwitchingPeriod = true;
//--- Check if player can switch, terminate otherwise
if !(//--- Negate conditions!
_force //--- Always allow when forced
!BIS_switchPeriodEnabled && !BIS_periodIsPost //--- Allow switching back from memory when custom switch is not enabled yet
{BIS_canSwitchPeriod && {player == cameraon && {!(position player inpolygon BIS_churchPolygon)}}} //--- Conditions for custom switch
) exitwith {
BIS_isSwitchingPeriod = false;
//if !(BIS_switchPeriodEnabled) exitwith {};
playsound [selectrandom ["Orange_PeriodSwitch_Disabled_01","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Disabled_02","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Disabled_03"],true];
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectadjust WETDISTORTION_1;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectcommit 0;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectadjust WETDISTORTION_0;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectcommit 0.3;
if (!BIS_periodIsPost && {isnil "bis_orange_minedispenser_blocked" && {position player inpolygon BIS_churchPolygon}}) then {
bis_orange_minedispenser_blocked = true;
[["Blocked",[bis_orange_minedispenser_trigger]]] call bis_orange_fnc_memoryFragment;
//--- Switch the state
private _newPeriod = param [0,!BIS_periodIsPost,[false]];
if (_newPeriod isequalto BIS_periodIsPost && {!_isInit}) exitwith {};
BIS_periodIsPost = _newPeriod;
setacctime 1;
openmap false;
//--- Play effect
if (time > 0.1 && !_skipEffect) then {
playsound [
if (BIS_periodIsPost) then {
selectrandom ["Orange_PeriodSwitch_Post_01","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Post_02","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Post_03"]
} else {
selectrandom ["Orange_PeriodSwitch_Pre_01","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Pre_02","Orange_PeriodSwitch_Pre_03"]
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectadjust WETDISTORTION_1;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectcommit 0.4;
_time = time + 0.35;
waituntil {time > _time};
cuttext ["","black out",0.05];
waituntil {ppeffectcommitted BIS_PP_WetDistortion};
//--- End effect
if (time > 0.1) then {
cuttext ["","black in",1e10];
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectadjust WETDISTORTION_0;
BIS_PP_WetDistortion ppeffectcommit 0.4;
//--- Call custom code
private _code = param [2,{},[{}]];
[_newPeriod] call _code;
//--- Execute in non-scheduled environment
#define VEHICLES_WITH_ENINGE [bis_drone1,bis_drone2,bis_deliveryDrone]
addmissioneventhandler [
//--- Remove the handler (it's used for single-use non-scheduled execution); ToDo: EH fix
if !(isnil "BIS_handlerExecuted") exitwith {};
BIS_handlerExecuted = true;
_thiseventhandler spawn {
removemissioneventhandler ["eachframe",_this];
BIS_handlerExecuted = nil;
//--- Delete ambient life and objects
{deletevehicle _x;} foreach (allMissionObjects "bird");
{_x hideobject !(isobjecthidden _x);} foreach (allMissionObjects "#crater" + allMissionObjects "#mark" + allMissionObjects "#track");
//--- Set loadout
private _loadout = getunitloadout player;
player setunitloadout BIS_loadout;
BIS_loadout = _loadout;
if !(isnil "bis_deliveryDrone") then {player disableUAVConnectability [bis_deliveryDrone,true];}; //--- Disable connection again because inventory changed
_posOrig = getposatl player;
if (BIS_periodIsPost) then {
//--- Post-war
[getarray (missionconfigfile >> "CfgOrange" >> "Layers" >> ("Orange_Hub_Post"))] call bis_orange_fnc_showLayers;
0 setfog [0.2,0.0001,1000];
[] spawn {0 setrain 0.2; sleep 0.5; 600 setrain 0.2;};
setwind [4.2,0,true];
600 setrain 0.2;
if !(bis_orange_isIntro) then {0.2 fademusic 0.0;};
0.2 fadesound 1.0;
{if (isnil {_x getvariable "bis_layer"}) then {deletevehicle _x;};} foreach (entities "Animal");
_pos = position _x;
if ((_pos select 2) > 900) then {
_x setposatl (_pos vectoradd [0,0,-10000]);
//--- Force show mine detector panel
setInfoPanel ["DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerLeft",BIS_infoPanel select 0];
setInfoPanel ["DefaultVehicleSystemsDisplayManagerRight",BIS_infoPanel select 1];
} else {
//--- Pre-war
[getarray (missionconfigfile >> "CfgOrange" >> "Layers" >> ("Orange_Hub_Pre"))] call bis_orange_fnc_showLayers;
0 setfog 0;
0 setrain 0;
setwind [0,0,true];
if !(bis_orange_isIntro) then {0.6 fademusic 0.4;};
0.2 fadesound 0.5;//0.2;
//--- Disable sounds of vehicles with engine (todo: better solution?)
_x spawn {
_this enablesimulation true;
_this setposatl (getposatl _this vectoradd [0,0,10000]);
sleep 0.01;
_this enablesimulation false;
//--- Remember info panel
BIS_infoPanel = [infopanel "left" select 0,infopanel "right" select 0];
{_x ppeffectenable !BIS_periodIsPost;} foreach BIS_PP_Pre;
{_x ppeffectenable BIS_periodIsPost;} foreach BIS_PP_Post;
enableenvironment [!BIS_periodIsPost,BIS_periodIsPost];
player forcewalk !BIS_periodIsPost;
{player forgetTarget _x} foreach allunits;
//--- Check for collisions
_bbox = (boundingboxreal player select 0) vectoradd (boundingboxreal player select 1);
_refPosStart = agltoasl(player modelToWorldVisual _bbox);
_refPosEnd = _refPosStart vectoradd [0,0,-(_bbox select 2) + GROUND_TOLERANCE];
_collisionObjects = lineintersectswith [_refPosStart,_refPosEnd,player];
if (count _collisionObjects > 0) then {player setvehicleposition [_posOrig,[],0,"none"];};
//--- Avoid falling down
if (vehicle player == player && {(position player select 2) > 1 || {(animationstate player) find "ladder" >= 0}}) then {
player setvehicleposition [position player,[],0,"none"];
player switchmove "";
//--- Altitude changed dramatically, use unaltered position instead
_altDiff = ((getposatl player select 2) - (_posOrig select 2));
if (_altDiff > 1) then {player setposatl _posOrig;};
//--- Prevent the barricade from exploding
_x allowdamage false;
_x enablesimulation (BIS_periodIsPost && {!isnil "bis_barricadeClearing"});
} foreach bis_barricadeObjects;
//--- Reset animal animations
{_x playactionnow selectrandom ["WalkF","StopRelaxed"];} foreach ((missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_initAnimals_list",[]]) select {simulationenabled _x});
//--- Close inventory
(finddisplay 602) closedisplay 2;
if (time <= 0.1) then {
BIS_isSwitchingPeriod = false;
//if (vehicle player == player && (getposatl player select 2) < 0.1) then {
// player setVehiclePosition [position player,[],0,"none"];
// [player,0] call bis_fnc_setheight;
if (time > 0.1) then {
sleep 0.01;
cuttext ["","black in",0.2];
BIS_isSwitchingPeriod = false;
if !(bis_orange_isIntro) then {
_duration = missionnamespace getvariable ["bis_switchPeriodTimelineDuration",3];
[if (BIS_periodIsPost) then {"Orange_Hub_Post"} else {"Orange_Hub_Pre"},nil,_duration,false] spawn bis_orange_fnc_timeline;
missionnamespace setvariable ["bis_switchPeriodTimelineDuration",nil];
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