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Dedmen Miller dedmen

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class GameVarSpace
VarBankType _vars;
bool _enabledSerialization;
bool VarSet(const char *name, GameValuePar value, bool readOnly=false);
bool VarGet(const char *name, GameValue &ret) const;
class GameDataNamespace : public GameData
GameValue GetAllMissionObjects(const GameState *state, GameValuePar oper1)
GameValue value = state->CreateGameValue(GameArray);
RString typeName = oper1;
if (GWorld)
GameArrayType &array = value;
// repair all objects, remove any non-primaries
void process(short * samples, int channels, int sampleCount, TS3_VECTOR pos, float direction)
for (int q = 0; q < channels * sampleCount; q++)
input_buffer.push_back(samples[q]); //channels * sampleCount function calls
if (input_buffer.size() > clunk::Hrtf::WINDOW_SIZE * (unsigned int) channels * 2)
void __usercall Clunk::process(Clunk *this@<rcx>, __int16 *samples@<rdx>, int channels@<r8d>, int sampleCount@<r9d>, __int128 _XMM0@<xmm0>, __int128 _XMM1@<xmm1>, __int128 _XMM2@<xmm2>, __int128 _XMM6@<xmm6>, __int128 _XMM7@<xmm7>, __int128 _XMM8@<xmm8>, __int128 _XMM9@<xmm9>, __int128 _XMM10@<xmm10>, dataType::Position3D *pos, float direction)
void **_RAX; // rax@1
__int64 _RBP; // rbp@1
dataType::Position3D *_RAX; // rax@1
__int128 _XMM0; // xmm0@1
__int128 _XMM0; // xmm0@1
int v35; // er13@1
const __int16 *v36; // rbx@2
waitUntil {time > 2};//Wait long enough to make sure Curator is initialized
if !([player] call qipTPL_fnc_isVirtualCurator) exitWith {}; //Don't continue running if its not a Curator
waitUntil {call TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio};
waitUntil {call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio};
_currentSwRadio = _x;
_currentSwRadioString = (_x splitString "_") select 1;
switch (true) do {
case (_currentSwRadioString == "anprc152"): {
void setAvatar(std::string path) {
char buff[128];
typedef void*(__thiscall *makeQstring)(const char* buff, const char *some);
HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = GetModuleHandle(L"Qt5Core");
uintptr_t tsProc = (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandle(L"ts3client_win32.exe");
/* get pointer to the function in the dll*/
"callstack": [
"contentSample": "\n_fnc_scriptName = \"script\";\n0.15 call bis_fnc_progressloadingscreen;\n\n\nwaituntil {call (missionname",
"fileName": "",
"instructions": [
"fileOffset": [
"callstack": [
"contentSample": "\n_CBA_return = _CBA_arguments call _CBA_code;\n",
"fileName": "",
"ip": 4,
"lastInstruction": {
"fileOffset": [
"callstack": [
"contentSample": "\n_CBA_return = _CBA_arguments call _CBA_code;\n",
"fileName": "",
"ip": 4,
"lastInstruction": {
"fileOffset": [
"callstack": [
"contentSample": "\n_fnc_scriptName = \"script\";\n0.15 call bis_fnc_progressloadingscreen;\n\n\nwaituntil {call (missionname",
"fileName": "",
"ip": 7,
"lastInstruction": {
"fileOffset": [