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Last active March 2, 2024 02:03
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ARMlite simulator

ARMlite simulator

The ARMlite simulator is a web-based simulator of a 32-bit 'ARM-like' processor and Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), developed by Peter Higginson and Richard Pawson for teaching Computer Science (CS) principles and Assembly Language. It is targetted particularly towards the AQA A-level computing syllabus. It is exceptionally user-friendly and fast, and great fun to experiment with!

Free online student textbook on the topic:
[1] Richard Pawson (with Peter Higginson), Computer Science from the Metal Up - Assembly Language Programming, v1.0.0, 2020

Online simulator for the ARMlite ISA here:

Help here:

Programming reference manual here:

Game of life simulator in ARMlite assembly language (from [1]):

For an immediate illustration of the speed and power of this simulator, load the following program into the ARMlite simulator at the above link, and watch it go!

MOV R1, #.PixelScreen
MOV R2, #screen2
MOV R6, #0
MOV R10, #.white
MOV R3, #0
loopWhite: STR R10, [R2+R3]
ADD R3, R3, #4
CMP R3, #12288
BLT loopWhite
MOV R3, #260
randLoop: LDR R0, .Random
AND R0, R0, #1
CMP R0, #0
BNE .+2
STR R9, [R2+R3]
BL nextCell
CMP R3, #12032
BLT randLoop
copyScreen2to1: MOV R3, #0
copyLoop: LDR R0, [R2+R3]
STR R0, [R1+R3]
ADD R3, R3, #4
CMP R3, #12288
BLT copyLoop
ADD R6, R6, #1
MOV R3, #260
nextGenLoop: MOV R5, #0
SUB R4, R3, #256
BL countIfLive
SUB R4, R3, #252
BL countIfLive
ADD R4, R3, #4
BL countIfLive
ADD R4, R3, #260
BL countIfLive
ADD R4, R3, #256
BL countIfLive
ADD R4, R3, #252
BL countIfLive
SUB R4, R3, #4
BL countIfLive
SUB R4, R3, #260
BL countIfLive
CMP R5, #4
BLT .+3
STR R10, [R2+R3]
B continue
CMP R5, #3
BLT .+3
STR R9, [R2+R3]
B continue
CMP R5, #2
BLT .+2
B continue
STR R10, [R2+R3]
continue: BL nextCell
MOV R0, #12032
CMP R3, R0
BLT nextGenLoop
B copyScreen2to1
countIfLive: LDR R0, [R1+R4]
CMP R0, R10 //White
BEQ .+2
ADD R5, R5, #1
ADD R3, R3, #4
AND R0, R3, #255
CMP R0, #0
BEQ .-3
CMP R0, #252
BEQ .-5
.ALIGN 1024
screen2: 0
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