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Last active January 9, 2018 17:35
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Microbit implementation of Langton's Ant cellular automata
from microbit import *
import random
def create_new_ant():
return [random.randint(0, 4), random.randint(0, 4)] # start at a random place on the board
def pick_direction(compass_points):
return random.choice(compass_points)
# lit pixel -> dark, dark pixel -> lit
def flip_pixel(pixel):
intensity = display.get_pixel(pixel[0], pixel[1])
if intensity == 0: intensity = 9
else: intensity = 0
display.set_pixel(pixel[0], pixel[1], intensity)
def turn_left(direction, compass_points):
index = compass_points.index(direction)
if index == 0:
index = len(compass_points) - 1
index -= 1
return compass_points[index]
def turn_right(direction, compass_points):
index = compass_points.index(direction)
if index == (len(compass_points) -1):
index = 0
index += 1
return compass_points[index]
def move_forward(ant, heading):
new_ant = [ant[0] + heading[0], ant[1] + heading[1]]
return new_ant
def wrap_value_if_required(value):
if value > 4:
value = 0
elif value < 0:
value = 4
return value
# Keep the ant on the board. If we go too far one direction,
# wrap the board around and start again on the opposite edge
def wrap_world_edges(ant):
return [wrap_value_if_required(ant[0]), wrap_value_if_required(ant[1])]
ant = create_new_ant()
north = [1, 0]
east = [0, 1]
south = [-1, 0]
west = [0, -1]
compass_points = [ north, east, south, west ]
direction = pick_direction(compass_points) # start off pointing in a random direction
while True:
square = display.get_pixel(ant[0], ant[1])
if square == 0:
direction = turn_left(direction, compass_points)
direction = turn_right(direction, compass_points)
ant = move_forward(ant, direction)
ant = wrap_world_edges(ant)
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