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Created August 22, 2017 12:04
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Observe the various types of variable memory footprint by heapdump(通过heapdump直观观察JS变量内存占用情况)
'use strict';
* 使用heapdump这个工具,可以在Nodejs中做各种「内存探索实验」
* 运行脚本
* node --expose-gc memory.js
* 会在当前目录下生成一列 n.xxxx.heapsnapshot 的文件,可以在Chrome DevTools > Memory 界面导入,详细分析
var heapdump = require('heapdump');
var count = 0;
function cleardump(name){
// 手动执行一次垃圾回收,保证获取的内存使用状态准确
console.log( `${name}\t${process.memoryUsage().rss}` );
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * 以下实验开始 * * * * * * * * * * * * */
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
// -- 1. 计量一个Array(10w)内存占用
global.arr_10w = Array(100 * 1000);
// -- 2. 计算10w个闭包内存占用
for(var i=0; i< 100*1000; i++){
arr_10w[i] = testMemRatio(''+ i);
// -- 3. 计算10w个字符串的数组
var code = testMemRatio.toString();
global.arr_str = Array(100 * 1000);
// -- 4. 计算10w个字符串的数组
global.arr_strct = [];
for(var i=0; i< 100*1000; i++){
//arr_strct.push( testMemRatio.toString() + i );
//为了避开V8对 concat字符串的优化 做复杂操作
arr_strct.push( testMemRatio.toString().replace(/=/g, i) );
// -- 5. 计算10w个字符串的数组
global.arr_strrc = [];
for(var i=0; i< 100*1000; i++){
arr_strrc.push( new String(testMemRatio.toString() ));
// -- 6. 计算字符串拼接
global.bigstr = arr_str.slice(0, 1000).join('');
// -- 7. 计算一个大json占用
global.jsondata = '[{"name":"Event Binder","desc":"Bind a callback to any event not natively supported by AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:10"},{"name":"Mask","desc":"Apply a mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:17"},{"name":"Indeterminate","desc":"Provides an easy way to toggle a checkbox input\'s special \"indeterminate\" property. This is a visual toggle only and in no way affects the model or value outside of native browser behavior at this time.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:13"},{"name":"Validate","desc":"General-purpose validator for ngModel.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:28"},{"name":"Scrollpoint","desc":"Add a \"ui-scrollpoint\" class to elements when the page scrolls past them. (previously known as scrollfix)","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:21"},{"name":"Uploader","desc":"Customizable file uploader","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:27"},{"name":"CodeMirror","desc":"This directive allows you to add CodeMirror editor to your textarea elements.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:8"},{"name":"Ace","desc":"This directive allows you to add ACE editor elements.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:3"},{"name":"Calendar","desc":"A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:6"},{"name":"Map","desc":"This directive allows you to add Google Maps Javascript API elements.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:16"},{"name":"Leaflet","desc":"This directive allows you to embed and interact with maps managed by Leaflet library.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:15"},{"name":"Date","desc":"jQuery UI Datepicker for AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:9"},{"name":"Select","desc":"AngularJS-native version of Select2 and Selectize","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:22"},{"name":"TinyMCE","desc":"This directive allows you to add a TinyMCE editor to your form elements.","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:25"},{"name":"Sortable","desc":"jQuery UI Sortable for AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:24"},{"name":"Alias","desc":"Create concise aliases for third-party directives and templates","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:4"},{"name":"Bootstrap","desc":"Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:5"},{"name":"Grid","desc":"Grid virtualization written natively in AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:12"},{"name":"Router","desc":"The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:19"},{"name":"Google maps","desc":"AngularJS directives for the Google Maps Javascript API","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:11"},{"name":"Slider","desc":"jQuery UI Slider for AngularJS","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:23"},{"name":"Layout","desc":"This directive allows you to split stuff","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:14"},{"name":"Chart with jQplot","desc":"This directive allows you to add a jqPlot graph to your application","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:7"},{"name":"Tour","desc":"A native tour-type directive that will lace easily-controllable tooltips throughout your app","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:26"},{"name":"Scroll","desc":"uiScroll directive solves this problem by dynamically destroying elements as they become invisible and recreating them if they become visible again","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:20"},{"name":"Mention","desc":"Facebook-like @mentions for text inputs built around composability","src":"","home":"","$$hashKey":"object:18"}]';
// -- 8. 计算JSON对象占用
global.bigfor = [];
for(var i=0; i<1000; i++){ bigfor.push( JSON.parse(jsondata) ) }
//TODO: 不知道为什么 必须挂在global上 看comparison才清晰,否则看起来比较困惑 没规律
global.arr_10w = null
global.arr_str = null
global.arr_strct = null
global.arr_strrc = null
global.bigstr = null
global.jsondata = null
global.bigfor = null
// 实验结束
function testMemRatio(name){
function scrollToBottom(ele, diff, target) {
var top = ele.scrollTop();
var h = ele.height();
var scroll_top = 0;
if (diff == 0) {
top = 0;
} else if (diff > 0) {
top = diff;
if (target != undefined && target > h) {
scroll_top = target;
} else if (target != undefined && target <= h) {
scroll_top = 0;
} else {
scroll_top = top + h;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
return scrollToBottom;
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