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Forked from ebidel/coverage.js
Last active February 26, 2018 22:41
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CSS/JS code coverage during lifecycle of page load
* @author ebidel@ (Eric Bidelman)
* License Apache-2.0
* Shows how to use Puppeeteer's code coverage API to measure CSS/JS coverage across
* different points of time during loading. Great for determining if a lazy loading strategy
* is paying off or working correctly.
* Install:
* npm i puppeteer chalk cli-table
* Run:
* URL= node coverage.js
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const Table = require('cli-table');
const URL = process.env.URL || '';
const EVENTS = [
function formatBytesToKB(bytes) {
if (bytes > 1024) {
const formattedNum = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {maximumFractionDigits: 1}).format(bytes / 1024);
return `${formattedNum}KB`;
return `${bytes} bytes`;
class UsageFormatter {
constructor(stats) {
this.stats = stats;
static eventLabel(event) {
return chalk.magenta(event);
summary(used = this.stats.usedBytes, total = this.stats.totalBytes) {
const percent = Math.round((used / total) * 100);
return `${formatBytesToKB(used)}/${formatBytesToKB(total)} (${percent}%)`;
shortSummary(used, total = this.stats.totalBytes) {
const percent = Math.round((used / total) * 100);
return used ? `${formatBytesToKB(used)} (${percent}%)` : 0;
* Constructors a bar chart for the % usage of each value.
* @param {!{jsUsed: number, cssUsed: number, totalBytes: number}=} stats Usage stats.
* @return {string}
barGraph(stats = this.stats) {
const maxBarWidth = 30;
const jsSegment = ' '.repeat((stats.jsUsed / stats.totalBytes) * maxBarWidth);
const cssSegment = ' '.repeat((stats.cssUsed / stats.totalBytes) * maxBarWidth);
const unusedSegment = ' '.repeat(maxBarWidth - jsSegment.length - cssSegment.length);
return chalk.bgRedBright(jsSegment) + chalk.bgBlueBright(cssSegment) +
const stats = new Map();
* @param {!Object} coverage
* @param {string} type Either "css" or "js" to indicate which type of coverage.
* @param {string} eventType The page event when the coverage was captured.
function addUsage(coverage, type, eventType) {
for (const entry of coverage) {
if (!stats.has(entry.url)) {
stats.set(entry.url, []);
const urlStats = stats.get(entry.url);
let eventStats = urlStats.find(item => item.eventType === eventType);
if (!eventStats) {
eventStats = {
cssUsed: 0,
jsUsed: 0,
get usedBytes() { return this.cssUsed + this.jsUsed; },
totalBytes: 0,
get percentUsed() {
return this.totalBytes ? Math.round(this.usedBytes / this.totalBytes * 100) : 0;
url: entry.url,
eventStats.totalBytes += entry.text.length;
for (const range of entry.ranges) {
eventStats[`${type}Used`] += range.end - range.start - 1;
async function collectCoverage() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: true});
// Do separate load for each event. See
const collectPromises = event => {
console.log(`Collecting coverage @ ${UsageFormatter.eventLabel(event)}...`);
const page = await browser.newPage();
await Promise.all([
await page.goto(URL, {waitUntil: event});
const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([
addUsage(cssCoverage, 'css', event);
addUsage(jsCoverage, 'js', event);
await page.close();
await Promise.all(collectPromises);
return browser.close();
(async() => {
await collectCoverage();
for (const [url, vals] of stats) {
console.log('\n' + chalk.cyan(url));
const table = new Table({
head: [
`${chalk.bgRedBright(' JS ')} ${chalk.bgBlueBright(' CSS ')} % used`,
'JS used',
'CSS used',
'Total bytes used'
style: {head: ['white'], border: ['grey']}
EVENTS.forEach(event => {
const usageForEvent = vals.filter(val => val.eventType === event);
if (usageForEvent.length) {
for (const stats of usageForEvent) {
const formatter = new UsageFormatter(stats);
formatter.shortSummary(stats.jsUsed), // !== 0 ? `${formatBytesToKB(stats.jsUsed)}KB` : 0,
} else {
table.push([UsageFormatter.eventLabel(event), 'no usage found', '-', '-', '-']);
// Print total usage for each event.
// console.log('\n');
EVENTS.forEach(event => {
let totalBytes = 0;
let totalUsedBytes = 0;
const metrics = Array.from(stats.values());
const statsForEvent = => {
const statsForEvent = eventStatsForUrl.filter(stat => stat.eventType === event)[0];
// TODO: need to sum max totalBytes. Currently ignores stats if event didn't
// have an entry. IOW, all total numerators should be max totalBytes seen for that event.
if (statsForEvent) {
totalBytes += statsForEvent.totalBytes;
totalUsedBytes += statsForEvent.usedBytes;
const percentUsed = Math.round(totalUsedBytes / totalBytes * 100);
console.log(`Total used @ ${chalk.magenta(event)}: ${formatBytesToKB(totalUsedBytes)}/${formatBytesToKB(totalBytes)} (${percentUsed}%)`);
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