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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Apache solr set up
Ref :-
You aren't alone I had to scower the internet and read several articles before I truly understand all of this. I tried about three different methods until I finally got it right!
If you are using Debian/Ubuntu (with Tomcat7) it's even easier then most outline. I preferred this over Lullabot since when you install it through Ubuntu it's actually a service and less fiddling :)
Install Java
apt-get install java7-jdk
Install Tomcat
apt-get install tomcat7 tomcat7-admin
Once this is done you can get to http://localhost:8080 and see that's it is all running properly.
Note: It's recommended to push the port to another one since 8080 is pretty common. If you want to do that use this code for that!
sudo sed -i s/8080/8983/g /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/server.xml
Configure Tomcat
You will want to actually create a users account for Tomcat so that other people have to log into the admin (it keeps it safer).
nano /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/tomcat-users.xml
Then add these xml arguments between the <tomcat-users> tags
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="!!somename!!" password="!!somepassword!!" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui"/>
Now you can restart tomcat again and view the admin page at http://localhost:8983/manager/html
service tomcat7 restart
Install Solr
Download the latest ApacheSolr here (When I wrote this I got it working with 4.7)
Extract the files into a directory
Copy Solr library files
Next we want to add the library files to Tomcat library directory. Note: You can also use symlinks if you prefer, but for the purpose of understand where everything goes I chose to place it directly in the directories
cp ~/solr-4.x.x/example/lib/ext/* /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/
It may be a good idea to also copy the java libraries from solr/dist/solrrj-lib/*
cp ~/solr-4.x.x/dist/solrj-lib/* /usr/local/tomcat7/lib/
Copy Solr WAR app file
cp ~/solr-4.x.x/dist/solr-4.x.x.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/solr.war
Setup Drupal ApacheSolr core
We first need to copy over the sample configuration files from ApacheSolr.
mkdir -p /var/lib/tomcat7/solr
cp -r ~/solr-4.x.x/example/solr/collection1/conf /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/
Next grab the latest version of the apachesolr module and unzip it
tar xvf apachesolr-*.tar.gz
Syncronize the apachesolr configuration files (for Drupal) with your solr configuration
rsync -av apachesolr/solr-conf/solr-4.x/ /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/conf/
Note: I found an error in which ApacheSolr refused to start due to duplicate errors. I reported that here so you might want to look at the solution here as at the time of writing this I could not get it running without that!
Create a core definition file to tell Apache Solr which cores are available.
nano /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/solr.xml
Paste the following code inside that file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<solr persistent="false">
<cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
<core name="!!yourcorename!!" instanceDir="!!yourcoredir!!" />
Create Drupal core directory
This will create a new core in your system with that name. If you wish to add more you simply can repeat this step as well as the one above.
mkdir /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/!!yourcoredir!!
cp -r /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/conf /var/lib/tomcat7/solr/!!yourcoredir!!/
Let's Make It Live
Your at the last stretch!! Let's put tomcat7 to sleep
service tomcat7 stop
Now change the permissions on the tomcat directory
chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /var/lib/tomcat7
Start it back up
service tomcat7 start
It's Live
You should be able to go to http://localhost:8983/solr and see a new core instance available! Now you can go ahead and configure drupal to point to that.
Note: Your new core is located at http://localhost:8983/solr/!!yourcorename!! to be used in the Drupal ApacheSolr module.
Credit and props goes out to Pacoup
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