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Created February 19, 2021 16:03
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  • Save deepakhb2/70b0c72787b8bad71603fd01fa712331 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deepakhb2/70b0c72787b8bad71603fd01fa712331 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Address used: 0xBE9013d7c72c7AbB2A2BEC5cF6da956EE10520Ea
> truffle migrate --network alfajores
web3-shh package will be deprecated in version 1.3.5 and will no longer be supported.
web3-bzz package will be deprecated in version 1.3.5 and will no longer be supported.
Compiling your contracts...
> Everything is up to date, there is nothing to compile.
Starting migrations...
> Network name: 'alfajores'
> Network id: 44787
> Block gas limit: 0 (0x0)
Deploying 'Migrations'
> transaction hash: 0x97eb6b8d3274d02cac5fe1ad8f9c66450a201dd8e65ab6c8c54672e01d311846
> Blocks: 1 Seconds: 4
> contract address: 0x43DF50E138412aBac5a67d260Fb367b81831b0fa
> block number: 3694920
> block timestamp: 1613750045
> account: 0xBE9013d7c72c7AbB2A2BEC5cF6da956EE10520Ea
> balance: 9.99672874
> gas used: 163563 (0x27eeb)
> gas price: 20 gwei
> value sent: 0 ETH
> total cost: 0.00327126 ETH
> Saving migration to chain.
> Saving artifacts
> Total cost: 0.00327126 ETH
Deploying 'HelloWorld'
> transaction hash: 0xf0d343f34acd5e78fae782ca0a1f6cd05c72f433db6fce257e10fce51612f320
> Blocks: 1 Seconds: 4
> contract address: 0xbC230d814814e04B6f19ef2AdF86e3F8f6259872
> block number: 3694922
> block timestamp: 1613750055
> account: 0xBE9013d7c72c7AbB2A2BEC5cF6da956EE10520Ea
> balance: 9.99127096
> gas used: 231148 (0x386ec)
> gas price: 20 gwei
> value sent: 0 ETH
> total cost: 0.00462296 ETH
> Saving migration to chain.
> Saving artifacts
> Total cost: 0.00462296 ETH
> Total deployments: 2
> Final cost: 0.00789422 ETH
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