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Created October 16, 2015 06:48
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Launched On Demand courses on Coursera
[ "modern-art-ideas"
, "evolvinguniverse"
, "intro-to-big-data"
, "bioinformatics-methods-1"
, "2d-cad"
, "calculus-diferansiyel-hesap"
, "epidemiology"
, "zhichang-suyang"
, "calculo-4"
, "big-ideas"
, "teaching-elementary"
, "future-of-energy"
, "fundamentals-of-management"
, "virtual-fishers-of-men"
, "physiology"
, "machine-learning"
, "political-philosophy-2"
, "symmetry"
, "python-data"
, "user-research"
, "international-marketing"
, "engineering-mechanics-statics-2"
, "public-speaking"
, "sheng-ming-an-quan-ji-jiu"
, "xin-li-xue-sheng-huo"
, "intro-programming"
, "advanced-competitive-strategy"
, "fe-exam"
, "motivate-people-teams"
, "data-visualization"
, "da-xue-hua-xue"
, "poetry-workshop"
, "teach-violin-lessons"
, "teacher-relationships"
, "creativity-innovation"
, "negociacion"
, "microbiome"
, "renqun-wangluo"
, "creatividad"
, "produccionycomposicion"
, "war"
, "website-coding"
, "greening-the-economy"
, "public-relations"
, "earth-climate-change"
, "conflict-resolution-skills"
, "introduction-to-software-product-management"
, "jisuanji-wangluo"
, "terrorism"
, "childnutrition"
, "electrostatica"
, "analisis-de-datos"
, "dog-emotion-and-cognition"
, "musicianship"
, "sustainable-development"
, "big-bang"
, "human-spaceflight"
, "advanced-competitive-strategy-zh"
, "teaching-plan"
, "study-in-usa"
, "finanzas-personales"
, "engineering-mechanics-statics"
, "schedule-projects"
, "biostatistics"
, "epidemic-pandemic-outbreak"
, "what-is-social"
, "cad"
, "problem-solving"
, "mechanics-particles-planets"
, "sheng-li-xue"
, "leadership-skills"
, "financial-engineering-1"
, "people-analytics"
, "learning-assessment"
, "communication-in-the-workplace"
, "object-oriented-java"
, "ji-chu-guang-xue"
, "ruanjian-ceshi"
, "health-for-all"
, "philosophy"
, "probability-theory-basics"
, "string-quartet"
, "managing-data-analysis"
, "gestion-eau"
, "project-risk-management"
, "negociacao"
, "desarrollo-musicalidad"
, "managingmoney"
, "game-design"
, "ensino-hibrido"
, "intercultural-communication"
, "global-studies"
, "the-holocaust"
, "energy-business"
, "physical-chemistry"
, "happiness"
, "digital-analytics"
, "being-a-teacher"
, "ebola-virus"
, "russian"
, "entrepreneurial-thinking"
, "introduccion-al-calculo"
, "calculo-2"
, "marketing-analytics"
, "together-teacher"
, "teaching-evolution"
, "positive-psychology"
, "aprender"
, "life-in-soil"
, "mecanique-point-materiel"
, "programae"
, "parallel-programming"
, "soulbeliefs3"
, "ordenamiento-datos"
, "learn-chinese"
, "jews-in-china"
, "becoming-a-veterinarian"
, "managerial-accounting-tools"
, "corporate-finance"
, "art-activity"
, "managerial-accounting"
, "calculo-1"
, "modern-world"
, "gestion-de-proyectos"
, "diabetes"
, "political-philosophy"
, "big-data-cloud-computing-cdn"
, "kierkegaard"
, "grammar-punctuation"
, "html-css-javascript"
, "model-thinking"
, "ma-ke-si"
, "geng-nian-qi"
, "dyslexia-difficulties"
, "music-ensembles"
, "zhong-yi-yao-wen-hua"
, "smart-growth-strategy-2"
, "genes"
, "altruism"
, "teacher-curriculum"
, "interaction-techniques"
, "teaching"
, "sustainabledevelopment1"
, "calculus1"
, "mecanique-newton"
, "leadership-21st-century"
, "soulbeliefs"
, "professional-teacher"
, "copyright-for-education"
, "smart-growth-strategy-1"
, "aids-fear-hope"
, "empreendedorismo"
, "arts-culture-strategy"
, "fundamentals-of-graphic-design"
, "swift-programming"
, "cad3d"
, "types-of-conflict"
, "gestao-escolar"
, "reproductive-health"
, "audio-engineering"
, "teaching-character"
, "management-philosophy"
, "jisuanji-biancheng"
, "foundations-business-strategy"
, "gestion-organizaciones-efectivas"
, "shuju-jiegou-suanfa"
, "disability-awareness"
, "advanced-calculus"
, "3d-printing"
, "fixing-healthcare"
, "duke-programming-web"
, "businessinsociety"
, "marketing-digital"
, "ruby-on-rails-intro"
, "guitar"
, "swift"
, "rolling-stones"
, "data-manipulation"
, "property-law-and-economics"
, "american-law"
, "teaching-english"
, "competitivestrategy"
, "songwriting"
, "digital-democracy"
, "intro-redes-sociales"
, "coaching-teachers"
, "organic-chemistry"
, "objective-c"
, "dianci"
, "chang-jian-man-xing-bing"
, "aplicativo-para-iphone"
, "shengwu-huaxue"
, "ell-lesson"
, "game-development"
, "internet-of-things-history"
, "interactive-computer-graphics"
, "strategic-management"
, "unwritten-constitution"
, "bioinformatics-methods-2"
, "addiction-and-the-brain"
, "investments"
, "espace-mondial-fr"
, "popularity"
, "gaojie-wei-jifen"
, "motion-and-kinetics"
, "marketing-channels"
, "shengwu-yanhua"
, "history-of-rock-2"
, "c-chengxu-sheji"
, "teaching-learning"
, "aprendo"
, "smartphone-emerging-technologies"
, "economic-policy"
, "calculo-3"
, "hipython"
, "ciencia"
, "big-history"
, "human-computer-interaction"
, "ancient-greeks"
, "entrepreneur-changement"
, "environmental-law"
, "superhero"
, "nauchno-texnicheski-text"
, "real-life-data-science"
, "music-production"
, "social-computing"
, "fundamentosgoogle"
, "rookie-teaching"
, "wei-dian-ying"
, "chino-primera-impresion"
, "modern-postmodern-1"
, "art-of-negotiation"
, "design-principles"
, "yingyuyanjiang"
, "sexualidad"
, "experimentation"
, "classical-sociological-theory"
, "ebola-vaincre-ensemble"
, "hotel-distribution"
, "internetgiants"
, "public-policy"
, "philanthropist"
, "astro"
, "screening"
, "global-health"
, "physique-optique"
, "music-business-foundations"
, "questionnaire-design"
, "project-management-basics"
, "aulaconstructivista"
, "macroeconomia-pt"
, "como-autoconstruir-tu-vivienda"
, "spss-ruanjian"
, "how-to-teach-us"
, "advanced-chemistry"
, "2-speed-it"
, "mosfet"
, "decodificando-silicon-valley"
, "health-informatics-professional"
, "internet-history"
, "mafash"
, "suanfa-jichu"
, "html"
, "bim-yingyong"
, "planificacion-proyectos"
, "kombinatorika-dlya-nachinayushchikh"
, "historical-fiction"
, "sustainability"
, "videojuegos-intro"
, "beethoven-piano-sonatas"
, "artinquiry"
, "redes-sociales-caracteristicas"
, "solar-cell"
, "private-equity"
, "lavenir-de-la-decision"
, "introduction-to-math"
, "buddhist-meditation"
, "internet-technologies"
, "negotiation-skills"
, "pds"
, "analizando-politicas-economicas"
, "project-planning"
, "research-methods"
, "orgology"
, "writing-for-children"
, "ableton-live"
, "general-chemistry"
, "electrones-en-accion"
, "epidemics"
, "jisuanji-caozuo-xitong"
, "max-weber"
, "ageofjefferson"
, "python"
, "life-on-other-planets"
, "algebra-basica"
, "a-programar"
, "optobotics"
, "communication"
, "chinese-philosophy"
, "business-writing"
, "build-data-science-team"
, "monde-action"
, "dynamics"
, "finance-for-non-finance-managers"
, "science-of-meditation"
, "web-semantica"
, "disaster-preparedness"
, "blended-learning"
, "modern-combinatorics"
, "3d-cad"
, "c-bian-cheng"
, "work-smarter-not-harder"
, "pap"
, "entrepreneurship-development"
, "jazz-improvisation"
, "english-principles"
, "zhong-yao-zhi-shi"
, "principles-of-macroeconomics"
, "pensamiento-sistemico"
, "gaoji-shuju-jiegou"
, "decentralization-africa"
, "codapps"
, "genetics-society"
, "bim-sumo"
, "modern-middle-east-1"
, "negotiation"
, "energy-101"
, "cpp-chengxu-sheji"
, "creative-problem-solving"
, "database-management"
, "iot"
, "modern-postmodern-2"
, "dangdai-yingyong-xinli-xue"
, "astrobiology"
, "dianci-2"
, "cyber-security-domain"
, "quantitative-methods"
, "macondo-gabriel-garcia-marquez"
, "written-constitution"
, "analisis-sistemas-de-transporte"
, "history-of-rock"
, "teaching-secondary"
, "europe"
, "how-things-work"
, "statistical-thermodynamics"
, "the-south"
, "marketing-plan"
, "moral-politics"
, "gestionempresarialpyme"
, "synapses"
, "iot-augmented-reality-technologies"
, "yingyang-jiankang"
, "music-technology"
, "zhexue-daolun"
, "data-science-course"
, "recommender-systems"
, "guitarra"
, "desarrollo-videojuegos-unity"
, "empresas-alimentos-bebidas"
, "principles-of-microeconomics"
, "liderazgo-educativo"
, "soulbeliefs2"
, "the-beatles"
, "ml-foundations"
, "ebola-essentials-for-health-professionals"
, "financial-engineering-2"
, "wharton-customer-analytics"
, "international-criminal-law"
, "strategic-business-analytics"
, "interfaz-ios"
, "food-beverage-management"
, "cryo-em"
, "modern-world-2"
, "wireless-communication-technologies"
, "khanacademy"
, "future-education"
, "analytics-business-metrics"
, "financial-markets"
, "hesap-calculus-dersi"
, "jianzhu-zixun-jianmo"
, "sheng-wu-xin-xi-xue"
, "competitivestrategyzh"
, "learning-how-to-learn"
, "kennedy"
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