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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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AVL Tree
#include "bst_tree.hpp"
template<typename KeyType, typename Comparator = std::less<KeyType> >
class avl_tree : public binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>{
class avl_node : public binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::bst_node{
avl_node(KeyType key):
binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::bst_node(key),height(1){}
int height;
avl_node * right_rotate(avl_node *y);
avl_node * left_rotate(avl_node *y);
typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::iterator insert(KeyType key);
template <typename KeyType, typename Comparator>
typename avl_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::avl_node *avl_tree<KeyType,
Comparator>::right_rotate(avl_node *y)
avl_node *x,*t2;
x = (avl_node*)y->left; //Has to be a genuine node
bool yRightChildExists = y != NULL && y->right != NULL
&& y->num_child > y->right->num_child;
bool xLeftChildExists = x!=NULL && x->left != NULL
&& x->num_child > x->left->num_child;
if (x->right != NULL && x->right->num_child < x->num_child)
t2 = (avl_node*)x->right;
y->left = t2; //Genuine Child Node
y->num_child = 1 + (t2 != NULL ? t2->num_child : 0 +
yRightChildExists ? y->right->num_child : 0);
y->height = 1 + std::max( t2!=NULL? t2->height : 0 ,
yRightChildExists ? ((avl_node*)y->right)->height : 0);
{ //Threaded Link
y->left = x;
y->num_child = 1 + (yRightChildExists ? y->right->num_child : 0);
y->height = 1 + (yRightChildExists ? ((avl_node*)y->right)->height : 0);
x->right = y;
x->num_child = 1 + (y != NULL ? y->num_child :0
+ xLeftChildExists ? x->left->num_child: 0);
x->height = 1 + std::max(y != NULL ? y->height : 0,
xLeftChildExists ? ((avl_node*)x->left)->height:0);
return x;
template <typename KeyType, typename Comparator>
typename avl_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::avl_node
*avl_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::left_rotate(avl_node *y)
avl_node *x, *t2;
x = (avl_node*)y->right; //Assuming to be a genuine node passed
bool leftChildExists = (y != NULL && y->left != NULL
&& y->num_child > y->left->num_child);
bool xRightChildExists = x != NULL && x->right != NULL
&& x->num_child > x->right->num_child;
if (x->left != NULL && x->left->num_child < x->num_child)
t2 = (avl_node*)x->left;
y->right = t2; //Genuine Child Node
y->num_child = 1 + ((t2 != NULL)? t2->num_child : 0 +
leftChildExists ? y->left->num_child:0);
y->height = 1 + std::max( t2!= NULL ? t2->height : 0,
leftChildExists? ((avl_node*)y->left)->height :0);
{ //Threaded Link
y->right = x;
y->num_child = 1 + (leftChildExists ? y->left->num_child:0);
y->height = 1 + (leftChildExists ? ((avl_node*)y->left)->height : 0);
x->left = y;
x->num_child = 1 + (y != NULL ? y->num_child : 0 +
xRightChildExists ? x->right->num_child :0);
x->height = 1 + std::max( (y != NULL) ? y->height : 0 ,
xRightChildExists ? ((avl_node*)x->right)->height : 0);
return x;
template <typename KeyType, typename Comparator>
typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::iterator
avl_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::insert(KeyType key) {
std::stack<typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::bst_node*> parents;
avl_node * inserted_node = new avl_node(key);
typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::iterator it =
this->__insert(inserted_node, parents);
if (it == this->end()){
delete inserted_node;
return it;
avl_node *node_ptr = NULL;
avl_node *avl_inserted = NULL;
while ( !parents.empty())
node_ptr = (avl_node*);
int leftHeight = 0;
if ( node_ptr->left != NULL
&& node_ptr->num_child > node_ptr->left->num_child){
leftHeight = ((avl_node*)node_ptr->left)->height;
int rightHeight = 0;
if ( node_ptr->right != NULL
&& node_ptr->num_child > node_ptr->right->num_child){
rightHeight = ((avl_node*)node_ptr->right)->height;
node_ptr->height = 1 + std::max(leftHeight, rightHeight) ;
int balance = leftHeight - rightHeight;
if (balance > 1)
if (this->isLessThan(node_ptr->key, node_ptr->left->key))
avl_inserted = right_rotate(node_ptr);
node_ptr->left = left_rotate((avl_node*)node_ptr->left);
avl_inserted = right_rotate(node_ptr);
else if (balance < -1)
if (this->isLessThan(node_ptr->key, node_ptr->right->key ))
avl_inserted = left_rotate(node_ptr);
node_ptr->right = right_rotate((avl_node*)node_ptr->right);
avl_inserted = left_rotate(node_ptr);
if (avl_inserted){
if (!parents.empty()){
typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::bst_node
* parent_ptr =;
if (avl_inserted->key < parent_ptr->key)
parent_ptr->left = avl_inserted;
parent_ptr->right = avl_inserted;
this->root = avl_inserted;
avl_inserted = NULL;
return typename binary_search_tree<KeyType, Comparator>::iterator(inserted_node);
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