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Last active May 21, 2024 16:49
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BirdNET to MQTT publishing for Home Assistant consumption
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# 202306171542
# monitor the records in the syslog file for info from the birdnet system on birds that it detects
# publish this data to mqtt
import time
import re
import dateparser
import datetime
import json
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
# this generator function monitors the requested file handle for new lines added at its end
# the newly added line is returned by the function
def file_row_generator(s):,2)
while True :
line = s.readline()
if not line:
yield line
# flag to select whether to process all detections, if False, only the records above the set threshold will be processed
process_all = True
# mqtt server
mqtt_server = ""
# mqtt topic where all heard birds will be published
mqtt_topic_all_birds = 'birdpi/all'
# mqtt topic for bird heard above threshold will be published
mqtt_topic_confident_birds = 'birdpi/confident'
# url base for website that will be used to look up info about bird
bird_lookup_url_base = ''
# regular expression patters used to decode the records from birdnet
re_all_found = re.compile(r'birdnet_analysis\.sh.*\(.*\)')
re_found_bird = re.compile(r'\(([^)]+)\)')
re_log_timestamp = re.compile(r'.+?(?= birdnet-)')
re_high_found = re.compile(r'(?<=python3\[).*\.mp3$')
re_high_clean = re.compile(r'(?<=\]:).*\.mp3$')
syslog = open('/var/log/syslog')
# this little hack is to make each received record for the all birds section unique
# the date and time that the log returns is only down to the 1 second accuracy, do
# you can get multiple records with same date and time, this will make Home Assistant not
# think there is a new reading so we add a incrementing tenth of second to each record received
ts_noise = 0.0
#try :
# connect to MQTT server
mqttc = mqtt.Client('birdnet_mqtt') # Create instance of client with client ID
mqttc.connect(mqtt_server, 1883) # Connect to (broker, port, keepalive-time)
# call the generator function and process each line that is returned
for row in file_row_generator(syslog):
# if line in log is from '' routine, then operate on it
# if selected the process the line return for every detection, even below threshold, this generates a lot more records to MQTT
if process_all and :
# get time stamp of the log entry
timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.timestamp(dateparser.parse(, row).group(0))) + ts_noise)
ts_noise = ts_noise + 0.1
if ts_noise > 0.9 :
ts_noise = 0.0
# extract the scientific name, common name and confidence level from the log entry
res =, row).group(1).split(',', 1)
# messy code to deal with single and/or double quotes around scientific name and common name
# while keeping a single quote in string of common name if that is part of bird name
if '"' in res[0] :
res[0] = res[0].replace('"', '')
else :
res[0] = res[0].replace("'", "")
# scientific name of bird is found prior to the underscore character
# common name of bird is after underscore string
# remainder of string is the confidence level
sci_name = res[0].split('_', 1)[0]
com_name = res[0].split('_', 1)[1]
confid = res[1].replace(' ', '')
# build python structure of fields that we will then turn into a json string
bird = {}
bird['ts'] = timestamp
bird['sciname'] = sci_name
bird['comname'] = com_name
bird['confidence'] = confid
# build a url from scientific name of bird that can be used to lookup info about bird
bird['url'] = bird_lookup_url_base + sci_name.replace(' ', '_')
# convert to json string we can sent to mqtt
json_bird = json.dumps(bird)
mqttc.publish(mqtt_topic_all_birds, json_bird, 1)
# bird found above confidence level found, process it
if :
# this slacker regular expression work, extracts the data about the bird found from the log line
# I do the parse in two passes, because I did not know the re to do it in one!
raw_high_bird =, row)
raw_high_bird =
raw_high_bird =, raw_high_bird)
raw_high_bird =
# the fields we want are separated by semicolons, so split
high_bird_fields = raw_high_bird.split(';')
# build a structure in python that will be converted to json
bird = {}
# human time in this record is in two fields, date and time. They are human format
# combine them together separated by a space and they turn the human data into a python
# timestamp
raw_ts = high_bird_fields[0] + ' ' + high_bird_fields[1]
bird['ts'] = str(datetime.datetime.timestamp(dateparser.parse(raw_ts)))
bird['sciname'] = high_bird_fields[2]
bird['comname'] = high_bird_fields[3]
bird['confidence'] = high_bird_fields[4]
# build a url from scientific name of bird that can be used to lookup info about bird
bird['url'] = bird_lookup_url_base + high_bird_fields[2].replace(' ', '_')
# convert to json string we can sent to mqtt
json_bird = json.dumps(bird)
mqttc.publish(mqtt_topic_confident_birds, json_bird, 1)
Here is a slight hack python3 program that monitors the syslog output from the BirdNET-Pi bird sound identifications and publishes these records to MQTT. This can be used in Home Assistant to create sensors for the bird identifications.
The program can publish both the output of all birds that BirdNet thinks it hears and also just those above the confidence level that you have set in BirdNET-Pi.
You will have to edit the attached python program '' to change the MQTT server, MQTT topics and whether to publish all or just the birds heard above the confidence level.
NOTE: there are different python 'environments' I am not using the birdnet python environment, so any python libraries that are used here are install as root and are used by the python3 binary at: /usr/bin/python3
You will need a couple non-standard python libraries:
sudo pip3 install dateparser
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
copy the python program to /usr/local/bin
sudo cp /usr/local/bin
setup a service to run the python program at startup
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/birdnet_mqtt_py.service
# content for this file :
Description=BirdNET MQTT Publish
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/
enable the python program as a service
sudo systemctl enable birdnet_mqtt_py.service
sudo systemctl start birdnet_mqtt_py.service
sudo systemctl status birdnet_mqtt_py.service
MQTT sensors in Home Assistant:
# birdpi
- name: "BirdPiNET Bird Heard 01"
unique_id: "BirdPiNet-01-heard"
state_topic: "birdpi/confident"
value_template: >
{% if value_json.ts is defined %}
"{{ value_json.ts }}"
{% else %}
{% endif %}
json_attributes_topic: "birdpi/confident"
- name: "BirdPiNET Bird All 01"
unique_id: "BirdPiNet-01-all"
state_topic: "birdpi/all"
value_template: >
{% if value_json.ts is defined %}
"{{ value_json.ts }}"
{% else %}
{% endif %}
json_attributes_topic: "birdpi/all"
example lovelace
- type: custom:home-feed-card
title: BirdPiNET-Confident-01
show_empty: true
more_info_on_tap: true
scrollbars_enabled: false
max_item_count: 10
compact_mode: true
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
- entity: sensor.birdpinet_bird_heard_01
more_info_on_tap: true
include_history: true
remove_repeats: false
max_history: 10
content_template: '{{comname}} {{sciname}} {{confidence}} {{ts}}'
icon: mdi:bird
JSON that is generated:
{"ts": "1687047081.0", "sciname": "Baeolophus inornatus", "comname": "Oak Titmouse", "confidence": "0.7201002", "url": ""}
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Thanks for the script. I had the need for username & password for MQTT, so I have forked your script and made some adjustments.
Also the paho-mqtt v2 is not backwards compattible with the old one, got this error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 874, in del self._reset_sockets() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 1133, in _reset_sockets self._sock_close() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paho/mqtt/", line 1119, in _sock_close if not self._sock: AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute '_sock'

In my fork I have moved to the new paho-mqtt version.

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