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Created April 19, 2013 20:32
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Save deepcube/5423034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rewrite of in czmq. To run download all files in a directory and run: sh
#include <czmq.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zmq.h>
#define zcheck_err(eval, condition, fmt, args...) \
((void)({ \
errno = 0; \
if (!(condition)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "%s: " fmt "%s%s\n", prog_name, ##args, errno ? ": " : "", errno ? zmq_strerror(errno) : ""); \
exit(eval); \
} \
char *prog_name;
* Connect to a socket, send a single empty message, exit.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
zctx_t *ctx;
void *soc;
zmsg_t *msg;
prog_name = argv[0];
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, argc <= 3 , "Supply endpoint then ID as arguments");
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, ctx = zctx_new() , "Error creating context" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, soc = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_DEALER), "Error creating socket" );
if (argc == 3)
zsocket_set_identity(soc, argv[2]);
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 <= zsocket_connect(soc, argv[1]), "Error connecting to %s", argv[1]);
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, msg = zmsg_new() , "Error creating message" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 == zmsg_pushmem(msg, "", 0) , "Error adding empty frame" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 == zmsg_send(&msg, soc) , "Error sending message" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, msg = zmsg_recv(soc) , "Error receiving message" );
// zctx_destroy(&ctx);
return 0;
# Create a ZMQ_ROUTER, bind to $BIND, echo messages
# Output PID of router so you may monitor the process
# Continually connect to $CONNECT, send a message, then die
# Print relevant memory information for router (recommend a wide terminal)
# Should work with any sh, went through and got rid of bashisms
trap die INT TERM
die() {
[ -n "$router_pid" ] && kill $router_pid
printf "$0: $@\n" 1>&2
gcc -lzmq -lczmq -Wall -Werror -o czmq_router_echo czmq_router_echo.c || die "Error compiling czmq_router_echo.c"
gcc -lzmq -lczmq -Wall -Werror -o czmq_connect_die czmq_connect_die.c || die "Error compiling czmq_connect_die.c"
./czmq_router_echo "$BIND" &
ps $router_pid > /dev/null 2>&1 || die "Error starting router_echo"
echo "Router pid is $router_pid. Press [Enter] to continue."
read unused
unset i
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
./czmq_connect_die "$CONNECT" client_$i || die "Error starting a client"
egrep "Vm" /proc/$router_pid/status | sed ':l; N; $!bl; s/[\n\t ]\+/ /g;'
#include <czmq.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zmq.h>
#define zcheck_err(eval, condition, fmt, args...) \
((void)({ \
errno = 0; \
if (!(condition)) { \
fprintf(stderr, "%s: " fmt "%s%s\n", prog_name, ##args, errno ? ": " : "", errno ? zmq_strerror(errno) : ""); \
exit(eval); \
} \
char *prog_name;
int echo(zloop_t *loop, zmq_pollitem_t *item, void *arg)
zmsg_t *msg;
static int con = 0;
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, msg = zmsg_recv(item->socket) , "Error receiving message");
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 == zmsg_send(&msg, item->socket), "Error sending message" );
printf("Received: %d ", ++con);
return 0;
* Create ZMQ_ROUTER socket, bind, echo messages.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
zctx_t *ctx;
void *soc;
zloop_t *loop;
zmq_pollitem_t poller;
prog_name = argv[0];
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, argc == 2 , "Supply endpoint as only argument" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, ctx = zctx_new() , "Error creating context" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, soc = zsocket_new(ctx, ZMQ_ROUTER), "Error creating socket" );
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 <= zsocket_bind(soc, argv[1]) , "Error binding socket to %s", argv[1]);
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, loop = zloop_new() , "Error creating zloop" );
poller = (zmq_pollitem_t){ .socket = soc, .fd = 0, .events = ZMQ_POLLIN, .revents = 0 };
zcheck_err(EXIT_FAILURE, 0 == zloop_poller(loop, &poller, echo, NULL), "Error registering poller");
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
return 0;
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