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Created November 9, 2019 16:37
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Focus lossage with networkHold in reflex-vty
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded #-}
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.NodeId
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Reflex
import Reflex.Network
import Reflex.Vty
import System.Environment (getArgs)
:: forall t m
. ( Adjustable t m
, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m
, PerformEvent t m, PostBuild t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, Reflex t
, TriggerEvent t m)
=> [Text] -> VtyWidget t m ()
exhibit1 xs = mdo
periodically <- tickLossyFromPostBuildTime 1
ev <- updated <$> count periodically
-- simulate user "input"
let filtV = T.isInfixOf . (["a", "b", "c"] !!) . flip mod 3 <$> ev
filtDE :: Dynamic t (Event t (Text -> Bool)) <-
(menuiseWithInput xs)
(menuiseWithInput . (flip filter xs)
pure ()
where menuiseWithInput xs = menuise xs >> finput
:: forall t m
. ( Adjustable t m
, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m
, PerformEvent t m, PostBuild t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, Reflex t
, TriggerEvent t m)
=> [Text] -> VtyWidget t m ()
exhibit2 xs = mdo
filtDE :: Dynamic t (Event t (Text -> Bool)) <-
(menuiseWithInput xs)
(menuiseWithInput . (flip filter xs)
(switch $ current filtDE))
pure ()
where menuiseWithInput xs = menuise xs >> finput
:: forall t m
. ( Adjustable t m
, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m
, PerformEvent t m, PostBuild t m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, Reflex t
, TriggerEvent t m)
=> [Text] -> VtyWidget t m ()
exhibit3 xs = mdo
filtD :: Dynamic t (Dynamic t (Text -> Bool)) <-
(menuise xs >> finputDyn)
((attachWith (flip filter)
(pure xs)
(switch (current (updated <$> filtD))))
(\xs-> do
menuise xs
pure ()
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m, PostBuild t m, Reflex t)
=> VtyWidget t m (Event t (Text -> Bool))
finput = do
TextInput txtD _ <- getInput
pure $ T.isInfixOf <$> updated txtD
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m, PostBuild t m, Reflex t)
=> VtyWidget t m (Dynamic t (Text -> Bool))
finputDyn = do
TextInput txtD _ <- getInput
holdDyn (const True) $ ffor (updated txtD) $
\t-> (t `T.isInfixOf`)
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m, PostBuild t m, Reflex t)
=> [Text]
-> VtyWidget t m [Event t ()]
menuise = pane (DynRegion 0 1 80 9) (constDyn True)
. col
. traverse (fixed 3 . textButtonStatic def)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
mainWidget $ do
inp <- input
let xs = ["aa", "ab", "ac"]
choice = T.pack . fromMaybe "2" $ listToMaybe args
text . pure $ "Exhibit " <> choice
case choice of
"1" -> exhibit1 xs
"2" -> exhibit2 xs
"3" -> exhibit2 xs
_ -> error "Usage: exhibit [1 | 2 | 3]"
return $ fforMaybe inp $ \case
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'c') [V.MCtrl] -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, MonadNodeId m, PostBuild t m, Reflex t)
=> VtyWidget t m (TextInput t)
getInput = pane (DynRegion 0 10 80 1) (pure True) $ col $ fixed 1 $ textInput def
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