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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Top 100 of most downloaded packages on PyPI as of 2015-04-10.
| # | Package Name | Total Downloads |
| 1 | setuptools | 52,454,151 |
| 2 | requests | 42,297,369 |
| 3 | virtualenv | 38,499,034 |
| 4 | distribute | 36,848,278 |
| 5 | six | 34,594,923 |
| 6 | boto | 33,578,502 |
| 7 | pip | 29,951,145 |
| 8 | certifi | 29,214,833 |
| 9 | wincertstore | 26,167,852 |
| 10 | pbr | 23,887,223 |
| 11 | python-dateutil | 22,952,946 |
| 12 | lxml | 21,928,901 |
| 13 | nose | 20,394,779 |
| 14 | pytz | 19,076,100 |
| 15 | simplejson | 18,587,517 |
| 16 | Jinja2 | 16,228,908 |
| 17 | pika | 16,049,431 |
| 18 | PyYAML | 15,585,882 |
| 19 | docutils | 14,665,876 |
| 20 | MarkupSafe | 14,242,028 |
| 21 | Django | 14,087,702 |
| 22 | pyasn1 | 13,778,285 |
| 23 | paramiko | 12,774,019 |
| 24 | coverage | 12,117,867 |
| 25 | pycrypto | 11,803,986 |
| 26 | psycopg2 | 11,629,825 |
| 27 | colorama | 10,214,880 |
| 28 | zc.buildout | 10,063,765 |
| 29 | argparse | 9,661,209 |
| 30 | Paste | 9,590,378 |
| 31 | rsa | 9,528,834 |
| 32 | botocore | 9,416,721 |
| 33 | ssl | 9,315,084 |
| 34 | supervisor | 9,197,215 |
| 35 | awscli | 9,140,041 |
| 36 | redis | 9,132,736 |
| 37 | selenium | 9,129,952 |
| 38 | jmespath | 9,111,169 |
| 39 | SQLAlchemy | 9,048,774 |
| 40 | pymongo | 8,993,094 |
| 41 | ecdsa | 8,970,491 |
| 42 | bcdoc | 8,748,032 |
| 43 | mock | 8,722,114 |
| 44 | meld3 | 8,643,891 |
| 45 | httplib2 | 8,637,133 |
| 46 | pep8 | 8,444,841 |
| 47 | PasteDeploy | 8,376,996 |
| 48 | Werkzeug | 8,327,577 |
| 49 | Pygments | 8,195,989 |
| 50 | cffi | 7,965,467 |
| 51 | carbon | 7,482,832 |
| 52 | MySQL-python | 7,421,896 |
| 53 | Flask | 7,318,349 |
| 54 | graphite-web | 6,872,207 |
| 55 | kombu | 6,535,707 |
| 56 | pycparser | 6,503,708 |
| 57 | greenlet | 6,334,738 |
| 58 | anyjson | 5,975,068 |
| 59 | Fabric | 5,935,979 |
| 60 | zope.interface | 5,901,020 |
| 61 | Pillow | 5,642,854 |
| 62 | Sphinx | 5,576,727 |
| 63 | setuptools-git | 5,534,746 |
| 64 | numpy | 5,370,535 |
| 65 | beautifulsoup4 | 5,246,934 |
| 66 | South | 5,148,113 |
| 67 | celery | 5,070,824 |
| 68 | Babel | 5,022,051 |
| 69 | docopt | 5,009,229 |
| 70 | py | 4,940,337 |
| 71 | amqp | 4,912,110 |
| 72 | itsdangerous | 4,882,379 |
| 73 | gunicorn | 4,593,466 |
| 74 | tornado | 4,583,094 |
| 75 | PrettyTable | 4,480,809 |
| 76 | Mako | 4,448,763 |
| 77 | psutil | 4,446,795 |
| 78 | WebOb | 4,420,551 |
| 79 | iso8601 | 4,403,113 |
| 80 | pyOpenSSL | 4,375,162 |
| 81 | pyparsing | 4,364,419 |
| 82 | ipython | 4,166,400 |
| 83 | isodate | 4,156,257 |
| 84 | billiard | 4,080,477 |
| 85 | pyflakes | 4,054,853 |
| 86 | ordereddict | 4,013,900 |
| 87 | unittest2 | 3,962,749 |
| 88 | gevent | 3,927,709 |
| 89 | logilab-common | 3,705,419 |
| 90 | Twisted | 3,685,023 |
| 91 | jsonschema | 3,659,816 |
| 92 | pylint | 3,609,053 |
| 93 | cryptography | 3,606,864 |
| 94 | stevedore | 3,602,229 |
| 95 | pycups | 3,451,492 |
| 96 | decorator | 3,322,822 |
| 97 | pytest | 3,277,356 |
| 98 | flake8 | 3,104,197 |
| 99 | ply | 3,086,039 |
| 100 | urllib3 | 3,026,283 |
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