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Created October 14, 2022 14:30
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  • Save deeplook/f8208fbfbba94bf460a8903e978701f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save deeplook/f8208fbfbba94bf460a8903e978701f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Try serving geopandas/matplotlib content with Flask.
Try serving geopandas/matplotlib content with Flask.
Run with:
flask --app app run
from flask import Flask, Response
app = Flask(__name__)
import io
import base64
import random
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
def nopyplot():
# works
# Generate the figure **without using pyplot**.
fig = Figure()
ax = fig.subplots()
ax.plot([1, 2])
# Save it to a temporary buffer.
buf = io.BytesIO()
fig.savefig(buf, format="png")
# Embed the result in the html output.
data = base64.b64encode(buf.getbuffer()).decode("ascii")
return f"<img src='data:image/png;base64,{data}'/>"
import io
import random
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
def mpl_plot_png():
# works, too
fig = Figure()
axis = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
xs = range(100)
ys = [random.randint(1, 50) for x in xs]
axis.plot(xs, ys)
output = io.BytesIO()
return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype='image/png')
import geopandas
def gdf_plot_png():
# crashes the process
path = geopandas.datasets.get_path("nybb")
df = geopandas.read_file(path)
df_wm = df.to_crs(epsg=3857) # Web Mercator
# The following line crashes with:
# ... python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ UserWarning:
# Starting a Matplotlib GUI outside of the main thread will likely fail.
ax = df_wm.plot(figsize=(4, 4), alpha=0.5, edgecolor="k")
fig = ax.figure
output = io.BytesIO()
return Response(output.getvalue(), mimetype="image/png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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