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Created May 28, 2020 02:19
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USGS 3DEP Lidar elevation data with xarray, rasterio, and matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import glob
# The code below is for 4 DEMs that cover the Montford Dam that forms Lake Alan Henry.
# Download geotiffs here.
fns = glob.glob('/Users/ebruning/Downloads/*.tif')
# ds=xr.open_rasterio('/Users/ebruning/Downloads/USGS_one_meter_x31y366_TX_West_Central_B12_2018.tif')
all_ds = [xr.open_rasterio(f)[0,:,:].to_dataset(name='dep') for f in fns]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17,17), dpi=300)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for ds in all_ds:
xsel = (ds.x<.314e6) & (ds.x>.306e6)
ysel = (ds.y>3.657e6) & (ds.y<3.663e6)
img = ds.dep[ysel,xsel]
# NGVD 29 = NAVD 88 –3.6 feet. Emergency spillway crest is 2240, operational spillway 2220, top of dam is 2263 in NGVD29
img = ax.pcolormesh(img.x,img.y, (*3.28084 - 3.6), vmin=2100, vmax=2400)
ax.set_title('Lake Alan Henry, Montford Dam, 2018, 3DEP lidar elevation (feet)')
ax.set_xlabel('UTM east (meters)')
ax.set_ylabel('UTM north (meters)')
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