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Last active April 1, 2019 01:56
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  • Save deeptiGarg/f7992992c16f8071f467a1a139b7648a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Describes the MongoDB installation on GCP and getting started.
Go to GCP MarketPlace.
Search for MongoDb machine image.
Install it based on your disk requirements. ( You can select the number of Arbiters needed)
Run the Compute engines for MongoDB Server and Arbiter(s).
SSH on Server.
Run MongoDB shell by typing 'mongo'.
Get all the databases - db.adminCommand( { listDatabases: 1 } )
Select DB to use - use "DBName"
View all collections in the current db - db.getCollectionInfos() ; Example CollectionName = mydb
To insert document in collection - db.mydb.insert({ item: "card", qty: 15 })
View all documents in the collection - db.mydb.find( {} ) (Equivalent to select * from mydb in RDBMS)
:wq save and exit
:q exit
i to enter edit mode
vim <fileName> to open the file on terminal // default-read only mode
****DB authentication Enablement****
Open port 27017 - used by MongoDb
user: 'dp',
pwd: '123456',
roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db:'deepti'}]
*****Enable authentication connection in config file to the DB*******
sudo vim /etc/mongod.conf
uncomment - security:
authorization: 'enabled'
sudo service mongod restart
******Access DB using**********
mongo -u dp -p 123456 deepti
**********Export collection as csv************ (not from mongo shell)
mongoexport -u dp -p 123456 --db deepti --collection drugs --type csv --out drugsData.csv --fields genericName, pediatricUse,indication
*********To delete a mongod on a particular port****************
mongo --port 27022
use admin;
********SPL Related work*******************************
Count number of distinct noOfSentences and show in descending order - db.drugs.aggregate( {$group : { _id : '$noOfSentence', count : {$sum : 1}}},{ $sort: { count: -1 } } )
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Describes the MongoDB installation on Google Cloud Platform and getting started on MongoDB.

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