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Created January 17, 2017 17:59
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Event Hanlder
class C
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ItemDiscarded;
public void Add(int value)
OnItemDiscarded(value);//trigger event handler
void OnItemDiscarded(int value)
if (ItemDiscarded != null)
var arg = new ItemDiscardedEventArgs(value);
ItemDiscarded(this, arg);
public class ItemDiscardedEventArgs : EventArgs
public int ItemDiscarded {get; set;}
public ItemDiscardedEventArgs(int item)
ItemDiscarded = item;
static void Main()
C c = new C();
c.ItemDiscarded += OnItemDiscarded; ;
private void OnItemDiscarded(object sender, EventArgs e)
var a = e as ItemDiscardedEventArgs;
var value = a.ItemDiscarded;
//Covariance = <out T> returns output (Manager -> Employe -> Person) ex: FindAll() or FindById
//Contravariance = <in T> input (Manager -> Employe -> Person) ex:Create(),Save(),Commit();
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